Barry Burns – Trading Psychology


Barry Burns – Trading Psychology
A outline of my trading contributions:

Featured as a case study in the book “Using Candlestick Charting: How To Earn High Rates of Return – Safely” by Alan Northcott (Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc., 2009).
Won a First Runner Up Readers Choice Award for “Technical Anaysis Web Sites” by Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities Magazine.
Developed a 5 Day Course for WorldWideTraders.
Headlining speaker at DayTradersUSA.
Headlining speaker for the Market Analysts of Southern California.
Given seminars around the country at many Wealth Expos and Traders Expos.
Interviewed on the Robin Dayne “Elite Masters of Trading” Radio Show.
Interviewed on
Published many articles for various outlets including eSignal Central.
The former lead moderator of FuturesTalk chat room guiding listeners through the open and close of each trading day.
Currently one of the featured Experts at Trader Kingdom.
Doctorate in Hypnotherapy and is a certified NLP practitioner, and therefore able to help people with the psychology of trading.
Founded Top Dog Trading, to help students shorten their learning curves in becoming traders.

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