
Thomas Huebl – Authentic Awakening Advanced Intensive

Original price was: ₹239,100.00.Current price is: ₹9,130.00.


Thomas Huebl – Authentic Awakening Advanced Intensive
Turn Your Life into Your Practice
It certainly seems easier to access enlightened states of awareness when we are on retreat or on our meditation cushions or yoga mats than when we are under the stresses and challenges of our everyday life.
What if, though, you could learn how to permanently transform these daily pressures and “triggers” from being obstacles to your enlightenment into being the core of your practice for awakening?
In other words, what if you could begin to see that your daily life is providing exactly the arena for practice and awakening that you need, provided that you engage it in the right way? From communicating with your husband to raising a child to negotiating with your boss – they can all be opportunities to bring more enlightened awareness into embodiment.
For those of us interested in cultivating the best of who we are in our fast-paced, ever evolving world this is not just a ‘nice thing to do’, it is the essential transformative practice of our times. Our daily lives BECOME our spiritual practice.
A 21st Century Spiritual Guide
Fortunately Thomas Huebl is a teacher that deeply understands the unique context and challenges of our modern culture and is blazing a new path for sincere practitioners to fully awaken in the trenches of “real life.”
Thomas is a renowned mystic and luminary, who is rapidly coming into prominence as a one of today’s most innovative and groundbreaking spiritual teachers.
If you have had the good fortune to study or practice with Thomas already, you’ll know how rare this man is, both as human being and as a spiritual guide.
If you haven’t worked with Thomas directly you may be wondering “What makes him so special?”
That’s a hard thing to summarize and put into language, but if we had to use one word to describe what makes him so unique it would be “Transmission.”
He is truly living and emanating a presence that is so rare and beautiful that it is honestly a treasure to witness and behold. And he’s able to describe what he is witnessing from that presence with crystalline clarity such that it helps shift consciousness rapidly in individuals and groups. He’s literally working with the field of the entire group as he speaks.
Yet, in the midst of his extraordinary “transcendent” awareness he also exudes a deep humility and gentleness that make him so relatable and down to earth. He’s a profound Master and accessible guy at the same time.
This rare combination of transcendent presence, penetrating insight, and deep groundedness in his humanity is best exemplified by how he communicates in his teaching sessions and one-on-one with students.
He has the remarkable gift of being able to teach and ‘transmit’ the deepest spiritual truths and metaphysical principles in the simple, clear language of direct experience while also being intellectually and scientifically grounded.
Having researched and studied virtually every spiritual tradition on the planet, we can honestly say that Thomas Huebl is truly among the most gifted, original, clear, and remarkable spiritual teachers in the world today.
Here are just a few of the ways we have enriched the 9-month Advanced program

Longer more in-depth teachings and lectures
Greatly expanded one-on-one and Q&A sessions with Thomas
In-depth instruction into the nuances of the key practices and tools
More weekend classes with better times for North Americans and Europeans
Improved break-out session formats
Plus much more

Module 1

Advanced Transparent Communication:

Transforming Your Communication into a Spiritual Practice

Discover how to transform all communication into a spiritual practice
Cultivate a conscious relational space through presence and attunement
Perceive the subtle energy in all communication beyond the words
Develop subtle energy competency: Gross – subtle- causal- non dual
Discover how to speak to the essence of the problem not its symptoms
Read energy and information directly to navigate with greater clarity
Learn to see the full spectrum of others from their shadow to their highest potentials
Experience Radical Empathy – shift your perspective to different levels of awareness – Self, Other, the Space between
Learn how to let go of your habitual ego processes to clearly perceive the energy of others

Module 2

Advanced Shadow Work:

Integrating All that You Are to Awaken Your Full Potential

Learn how to find the pearls of wisdom within the shadow’s contraction
Discover how to bring conscious awareness and feeling into the unconscious areas of your personality
Experience holding the space for others who are in a space of contraction, without dissociation or resistance
Learn to detect and become aware when you are triggered into a shadow area
Cleanse the filters of perception to liberate your innate intelligence and potential that is buried within the shadow
Learn the optimal container for different types of shadow work – on your own, in a group or with a skilled therapist
Get to the root of the your unique shadow blocks and “symptoms” to heal them once and for all
Work in small group “triads” with special practices to help integrate your shadow and expand your awareness

Module 3

The Mystical Process of Incarnation and the Cosmic Cycles of Creation

How to become fully embodied as your divine potential in this life

Understand how the past and future are affecting the present moment
Learn the subtle dynamics of the law of Karma
Experience the mystical process for how to fully incarnate and become embodied in this life
Understand the intimate relationship between Freedom and Commitment
Learn about the ego’s defence mechanism of Spiritual Bypassing
Learn what can go “wrong” in the incarnation process and how to resolve it
Discover the process to face and bring closure to the recurring issues in your life

Module 4

Illuminating Intimate Relationship:

Transforming Your Relationships Into a Vehicle for Your Awakening

Learn about the fundamental dynamics at work in intimate relationships
Become aware of the unconscious patterns you are playing out with your partner
Awaken to the spiritual aspects of sexuality as a tool to increase our intimacy
Discover how not to fall into the trap of making your relationship a therapy
Learn new tools and practices to handle communication breakdowns and regressive situations
Transform sexuality into a tool to transcend separation and expand awareness
Discover how your relationship can be a catalyst for you and your partner to awaken
Understand intimate relationship in a bigger context

Module 5

Actualizing Your Enlightened Potential:

Awakening to Your Soul’s Unique Purpose and Mission in this Life

Learn how you can recognize and help to liberate the higher potential in others
Find ways to express your core energy more fluidly in life
Experience what happens when our deepest humanity merges with our highest possibility
Learn how you can own the darkness of your shadow and integrate with the full splendor of your light
Discover how to align yourself with higher knowledge and let it guide your life
Experience the transformational principle of initiation
Learn how to embody your realizations so that every cell of your body radiates this new information
Learn how to become a beacon of authentic transmission by walking your spiritual talk
Trust your intuition more deeply and embody a higher level of consciousness

Module 6

The New Culture of “We”

Evolving Beyond the Contraction of the Ego in Service of the Whole

See how to cultivate a grown up, mature “i”, with transcendent insight
Discover the components of a new “we” and how to cultivate it
Learn how to open yourself beyond the ego’s preferences in service of the whole
Shift from the ego’s “will to get” into the heart’s “will to give”
Experience the transpersonal breakthrough of co-creating in a group without ego
Find the healthy balance between giving and receiving based on where you are in your spiritual evolution
Connect to the creative force of the cosmos and its overflowing joy and power
Dissolve the illusory power of the ego and open to the flow of divine intelligence

Module 7

Advanced Meditation and The Flowering of Spiritual Practice:

Opening to Your Superconscious Nature and Potential

Explore the deeper esoteric art and science of meditation
Experience presencing meditations on emptiness & inner spaciousness
Access higher levels of consciousness – from the sub-conscious to super- consciousness
Avoid meditation traps and see how certain spiritual practices can actually block our higher evolution
Dive deep into the art of meditation and the levels of awareness beyond your conventional ego perception
Learn to transcend the conditioned structures of your body, mind and emotions
Discover how to let go of personal and collective patterns that limit your awakening
Learn to transcend your conditioning so that you can relate to it rather than from it
Awaken beyond the collective imprints and momentum of thousands of years of evolution

Module 8

Advanced Mystical Principles for an Enlightened Life

Attuning to the Universal Laws of the Spirit

Experience the Initiation into mystical awareness
Cultivate a clear connection to your Inner wisdom and guidance
Understand the mystery of Polarity and the apparent duality that creates physical reality
Learn how to see through the veils of illusion to the underlying energy that is creating life
Discover the principles and laws of pure energy from the unformed to all of manifest creation
Mystical dance of inner and outer polarity – and the field of energy that is created in their union
Learn the underlying, fundamental principles of how reality is creating itself moment to moment
Discover the universal spiritual truths that connect to the ancient traditions
Understand how energy manifests in the physical world – how something appears from nothing
Learn the essential universal principles that will help your life flow with much more ease and grace
Explore how to work with mystical principles to empower your authentic awakening

Module 9

Living an Authentic Awakened Life

Integrating Enlightened Awareness into All Aspects of Who You Are

Integrate all that you have learned thus far
Learn how to further cultivate authentic awakening in your daily life
Deepen and expand on the tools and practices you have received
Learn final advanced practices to continue your evolution
How to bring greater enlightenment into our world
Discover how to live each day from the highest awareness

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected]