
The Orgasmic Manifesting System

Original price was: ₹89,550.00.Current price is: ₹4,731.00.


The Orgasmic Manifesting System
Live a Life Designed by Your Desires
The Orgasmic Manifesting System
8-weeks online course that will teach you a step-by-step process to manifest anything you desire – wealth, health, love, your dream home or even just peace of mind.
Step-By-Step & Easy To Follow
This system has been created for you to follow along and learn, enabling you to easily get started straight away and manifest your desires FAST.
In-Depth Video Lessons
Every video is focused and to-the-point where Laurie-Anne will share everything she has learned as a coach, energy healer, extended orgasm practitioner and master manifester.
Live Energy Healing and Q&A Calls
Accelerate your results by clearing energetic and subconscious blocks on our live or recorded healing calls. Eliminate worry, self-sabotage and resistance to your desires manifesting.
Get My 6 Module Video Course “Claim Your Queendom” for FREE, When You Pay 1 Full Payment of The Orgasmic Manifesting System
Claim Your Queendom is an online video course with over 6 hours of training and exercises about how to become a Queen in your romantic relationship. Our primary relationship has an enormous impact on our happiness and well being and thus on our ability to manifest.
The Claim Your Queendom course will help you to
Design your Dream Relationship

Get crystal clear on the relationship of your dreams and what is preventing you from having that right now
Free yourself from judgments that limit your experience of jo

Quit Over Thinking Now!

Quiet your overactive mind
Discover and detect the 3 distinct voices we hear in our head and know which one to llisten to at what tim

Masculine & Feminine Energy

Understand the differences between masculine and feminine energy and how to use it to heal your romantic life
How to restore and maintain balance in the energetic polarity of your relationshi

Master Male / Female Communication

Learn the differences in Male & Female communication patterns so that you can communicate harmoniously
Explains the “I don’t want you to fix it – I just want you to listen” phenomeno

How to know, ask for, and get what you want

Learn the secrets to asking for and actually receiving what you want from men
Learn how to inspire men to their greatest potentia

Radical Self Care

Understand your values and your “dark” values
Get total permission to follow your joy

What is Orgasmic Manifesting System and What You’ll learn in this training program?
“8 Weeks Course to Manifest Your Desires and Paradigm Shift”
The Orgasmic Manifesting System™ is a proven and tested 8 week online training program which teaches you exactly how to use your sexual energy to manifest anything you want.
The information is available in an online training platform and provided via videos, audio guides and PDF’s. You can complete the training in your own time from anywhere in the world.
This is not your typical “course”. This is a proven healing and training program where you follow steps to consistently build your manifesting power and clear blocks over the next 8 weeks.
It doesn’t matter if you have not had an orgasm in years or are not fully clear on what you even want to manifest, everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.
Over the next 8 weeks here’s what you’ll get:
Module #0: Daily Rituals

In this module you will learn daily practices that raise your vibration and improve your ability to manifest using all 6 of the Modes of Manifesting.
How to align your energy to your desires so that you can manifest with ease
A simple daily practice to erase limiting beliefs, self sabotage and resistance
How to easily set intentions for everything you do so that you are constantly telling the universe what it is that you DO want and stop manifesting things you DON’T want
How to recognize and celebrate how abundant you already are in order to attract even more abundance to you
How to track and measure your manifesting so you can actually see the progress you are making as you improve your manifesting skills

Module #1: Building Sexual Energy

Your sexual energy is your manifesting energy. In this module you will learn hands on physical practices that increase your manifesting power by building your sexual energy.
Reclaim your body and heal issues of body shame & insecurity so that your body becomes a vibrant and magnetic manifesting vessel
Get to know your female body more intimately and lay the ground work for learning how to have an Extended Orgasm
Heal the Female Psychological Sexual Split so that it becomes easier to feel turned on and connect to your sexual energy
Increase the flow of sexual energy available for yourself and for manifesting
Learn 3 different methods of building sexual energy that are quick and easy to do

Module #2: Extended Orgasm Practice

Now, we add rocket fuel! You will learn how to have an Extended Orgasm and use it to turbocharge your sexual energy and manifesting power.
Learn (awesome) things about your body that most women never discover
Discover the most sensitive spot on your body and how to stimulate it to experience Extended Orgasm
Be guided step by step of exactly where & how to touch in order to experience an Extended Orgasm
Rapidly build your manifesting power by increasing your ability to hold sexual energy
Use high vibrational Orgasmic Energy to manifest your desires and align your energy

Module #3: Money Manifesting 101

In this module you will learn how manifesting REALLY works and what you need to do to manifest those BIG goals (including how to manifest more income).
Learn Energetic Manifesting Principles and how to use them to your advantage so that you are working WITH them and not AGAINST them
Learn how to set a Powerful Manifesting Goal that actually comes true
How to distinguish between “Ego” Desires and “Divine” Desires so that you are manifesting what you TRULY want
Discover and clear out any limiting beliefs you have blocking your manifesting goal
Raise your energetic money ceiling so that you are not stuck with your current earnings

Module #4: Your Manifesting Map

A map is only useful if you know 2 things: Where you are and where you want to go! In this module you will create your very own personalised map so that you are giving the Universe crystal clear direction.
Complete a detailed assessment of how your current environment, relationships and choices are impacting your resting vibration and ability to manifest
A guided exercise where you will Design your Dream Life across all major areas of life so that the Universe knows exactly what you want
Create a vision board (and turbocharge it with sexual energy) so that your subconscious mind can manifest for you

Module #5: Make Space for the New

One of the fastest ways to manifest is to clear out anything that is no longer serving you. In this module you will make space in your life for your desires to come rolling in!
Declutter your physical environment to clear stagnant energy and make room for new manifestations
Follow my process to declutter your digital environment (phone, computer, etc.) to close energetic loops that are leaking your energy
Clear mental clutter by releasing old memories and ruminating thoughts that are no longer serving you
Release yourself from people, groups, obligations and places that are draining your energy and having a negative impact on your ability to manifest
Learn how to clean up your language so that you stop talking about what you DON’T want and start speaking into existence what you DO want

Module #6: Orgasm in Everything

This module is all about Emotional Mastery. By learning how to manage your mood you can learn to live in an Orgasmic state.
Push the edges of “How Good Can You Feel?” by learning how to give yourself permission to just feel good
Learn how to monitor and manage your energy and attention so that you stop focusing on things that don’t matter (and make you feel bad) and start focusing on things that do matter (and make you feel good!)
Learn what to do when you are triggered and emotionally charged so that you don’t get stuck in bad feelings and tank your manifestation
How to rapidly change your mindset and attitude about anything you are suffering about

Module #7: Intuitive Action

In this module you will gain deeper connection to your intuition so that you are always taking the next right action to move you closer to your goals.
Learn the different types of intuitive sensing and which ones you are strongest in
Learn how to hear your internal guidance and even more importantly how to trust it
Learn to live in a state of trust and to follow the divine timing rather than being frantic or forceful about your goals
Accelerate your manifesting by taking inspired action with guidance that comes from your intuition and naturally leads you to your goals

Module #8: The Art of Receiving

Being able to manifest all of your desires isn’t much good unless you are also able to RECEIVE what you have manifested.
Increase your capacity to receive so that abundance naturally flows to you.
This is where a lot of women struggle. If you don’t learn this it doesn’t matter how good you become at manifesting because you won’t be able to receive or enjoy what you have manifested.
Identify your patterns of self sabotage so that you can spot them in advance and no longer get sideswiped off course
Prioritise self care and identify what self care practices are “non-negotiables” for you so that you can always stay centered
Learn the difference between “guessers” and “askers” and how to ask for what you want and need in a way that inspires others to deliver

By the end of the program, you’ll have a system of repeatable – and pleasurable – practices and tools to effectively manifest your deepest desires with ease.
You Also Get: Group Coaching Calls
Get your questions answered live every single week so that you never feel alone, discouraged or stuck as you move through the course.
Group Energy Healings
Using my skills as a Vortex Healing practitioner I will work on your energy system to clear any energetic blocks to manifesting your desires. This will give you a turbo-boosted head start as you begin developing your manifesting powers.
Access to a Private Facebook Group
Connect with other courageous women all around the world who are creating the lives of their dreams to share the journey and receive support. This group is very active and becomes a safe haven for the course participants.
Plus you’ll receive these powerful bonuses:
Bonus #1: Recorded Energy Healings
Listen to these recorded healings over and over again to further clear your energy system from any blocks to your success. You can even listen while you do other things Yay! multi-tasking!
Bonus #2: Extended Orgasm with a Partner
Learn how to have an Extended Orgasm with your partner in this mini course so that they can get in on the fun and have manifesting superpowers too!
> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email  [email protected]