
Charles Floate – Safe & Strong: The Definitive Guide To Private Blog Networks

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Charles Floate – Safe & Strong: The Definitive Guide To Private Blog Networks
Warning: This is not for rookie SEOs. PBNs can seriously supercharge your SEO efforts–but if you don’t know what you’re doing then you do real damage to your site and your reputation. Read on if you want to learn more about the power of PBNs
The use of private blog networks (PBNs) is one of the biggest debates in the SEO community. The truth is that there’s *only* a downside if you don’t know what you’re doing and sadly, most people don’t.
I’ve used PBNs to rank sites in Google for nearly a decade now.
I get asked questions about them almost daily, mostly from people who have tried to learn about PBNs from other sources, but everyone is just talking about it. It’s all second-hand information that some guy heard from some other guy or worse, from guys who took their shot at it and missed.
In SEO, there is normally a variety of things you can mean by a tactic, and this is especially true for PBNs.
The core definition for a “private blog network” is a network of blogs you control that is made for the sole purpose of ranking websites in Google to make you money!
However, there are different methodologies within PBNs themselves, and different ways you use them depending on the niche, and even language.
Most people use private blog networks to either rank affiliate websites in English language Google, or they use them to rank highly competitive, high CPC (Cost Per Click) keywords in foreign languages.
There are other uses as well, and I’ll teach all of them within this course and its bonuses.
But because I’ve been able to understand them and I’ve had legitimate success. I’ve heard the same questions so often that whenever PBNs come up, I pretty much go on autopilot.
It’s great to be so useful, but it’s repetitive and exhausting.
So, instead of:

Constantly answering the same questions…
Moderating the same debates…
Dealing with the same confusion…
Settling all the ethical dilemmas…

I made the definitive guide to building private blog networks that are safe, secure AND affordable.
So, What Are PBNs & Why Would You Want To Use Them?
A private blog network is a network of blogs you control that is made for the sole purpose of ranking websites in Google to make you money.
However, there are different ways to build and use them depending on the:


PBNs are most often used to rank affiliate websites in English or for highly competitive, high Cost Per Click (CPC) keywords in other languages.
There are other uses as well and I teach all of them in this course and its bonuses.
Do PBNs Even Work In 2020?
The short answer is yes.
The longer answer is that it depends on:

How good of a PBN you have
The niche you’re trying to compete in
The precautions you’ve taken to make sure that every site in your network is “bulletproof” (It won’t be punished by Google’s algorithm)

One of the most common arguments that SEOs make is that PBNs are outdated and the Google algorithm is now far too sophisticated. This is not only incorrect, but statements like this show how out the game most “expert” SEOs are.
Why Do You NEED This Course?
Any self-respecting SEO should have an up to date understanding of PBNs. Even if you don’t plan to use them, you need to at least know what you’re up against in the battle of the SERPs.
Private blog networks have been a staple for the SEO industry for at least the last decade.
They’ve been used to:

Rank sites that make over one million dollars per month
Dominate the local search of entire cities
Downrank competitors and give sites a truly unfair (but powerful) advantage

PBNs are in the SEO industry to stay, and they’re only going to get even more powerful as time marches on, which makes:

Domains become more scarce. It’s getting harder and harder to come up with unique, sensible, highly relevant domain names.
Links become more expensive. The cost of a decent back linking campaign is now starting to cost so much that you’ll spend 10x more trying to rank your site “organically” than by trying these methods.
Sites get even stingier linking to other sites. Even if your content is highly relevant, Google has intimidated site owners out the giving even earned links.

If you aren’t doing SEO with PBNs, you’re running a sprint with one leg cut off.
What Does This Course Teach?
When I say it’s the definitive guide to PBNs, I mean it! Everything that you will ever need when it comes to building your network is covered.

A Complete Introduction To Private Blog Networks
Domain Forensics: Analyzing Potential Domains & How To Avoid Bad Buys
PBN Domain Divesting – A COMPLETE Domaining Guide (Expired & Aged)
How To Get Cheap, Premium Hosting For Your Network
Using CDNs Properly To Further Diversify Your Network
Secure Anti-Footprint PBN Setups (Dozens of Known Footprints Covered & A Checklist So You NEVER Miss One)
The Safe Guide To PBN Posting & Links
PBN Management & Stabilization For 2020 & Beyond
How To Grow Your PBNs, Build New Links To Them & Increase Their Strength
Foreign PBNs, How They Differ From English Language PBNs & How To Set Yours Up For Success
How To Safely Test Your PBNs To See The Link Strength & Effectiveness

As well as a ton of other golden nuggets throughout to make sure your knowledge about and ability to use PBNs is complete.
PLUS this 12 module course comes with 2 FREE bonuses
Learn the tricks of the trade when it comes to using Web 2.0 PBNs in 2020.
Get the most out of your money by utilizing this totally free link building method to bolster your tier 1 link profile through the roof!
I’ve also created an additional bonus standard operating procedure (SOPs) set for you to hand off to VAs to create your Web 2.0 PBN at a fraction of the price that link building services charge.
Take over cities and dominate districts with localized networks that are setup specifically to rank any business for any keyword in your target area!
Imagine the power you have to generate business within the same month for any niche you can imagine. This tactic is so powerful because it allows you to essentially monopolize the searches with the right setup and investment.
What Are The Benefits To PBNs?

Your Competitors Can’t Get Your PBN Links – You Control That Source of Links For That Entire Niche
Foreign SEO Is Still Ruled By PBN Links (And Expired Domains Are Cheap In Foreign SEO)
You Can Dominate Entire Areas Using Localized PBNs
PBNs Make For The Strongest Tier 2 Backlinks On The Market

As well as a bunch of other benefits that make PBNs one of the most powerful link building methods on this planet… If you know what you’re doing.
Still Need Some Convincing?
A lot of people will say that PBNs are too risky and have no upside. This is a clear lie, or the person just doesn’t really know the full SEO story.
Every affiliate SERP in almost every language that Google covers have SEOs using private blog networks to compete.
Why would you want to put yourself behind your competition that is actively using this method?
And if you think that PBNs are unethical, then I’ll leave you with some parting words from Jeremy Knauff, a self-proclaimed white hat SEO writing for Search Engine Journal on August 17th, 2020 –
“Google believes that PBNs are unethical.
Most rational, objective SEO professionals, however, know that is not the case.
While PBNs are a clear violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, so is literally every other link building tactic – including simply asking someone to link to your website.
Anyone doing anything to acquire links is guilty of the exact same violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines that someone using a PBN is.
There is no gray area.”
*As with all my products, the information I cram into these courses is normally sold for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. So I do not offer a refund guarantee, you get my downloadables and get the information you’d normally have to spend hundreds of hours gathering or thousands of dollars on from other SEOs.

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email  [email protected]