
Brian Tracy – Personal Success Made Simple

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Brian Tracy – Personal Success Made Simple
Dear Success Seeker,
Did you know that the secret to success is SO simple, most people overlook it – and then lead lives of quiet desperation, never achieving what they really want to, but not knowing why or how?
If you want to achieve success – real, true success, on your own terms – then you are in the right place, because I’m going to reveal exactly how to do it.
But first, read through the following scenarios to determine whether this information is right for you:

You know you’re destined for something bigger and better, but aren’t sure where to start
You feel like you’re wandering aimlessly, letting life happen to you rather than designing your own circumstances
You have goals for your future, but taking action towards them seems too risky in today’s economy
Every time you start to make progress, something or someone thwarts your efforts
Whenever you even consider making a positive change in your life, doubt creeps in and stops you in your tracks

Many of us are programmed, from an early age, to view life as a set of constraints from which we must operate.
But the good news is that you can reprogram your mind and shift your mental paradigms. You can operate from a place where anything is possible – all you have to do is develop a plan for getting it.
That system is so simple, yet so powerful. Use it, and you become unstoppable.
It’s a 3-step process:

Develop clarity on what you want.
Cultivate the self-esteem and confidence you need to take action toward your goals.
Practice the discipline necessary to do everything you must to achieve your goals.

Before I tell you more about it, let me tell you about my own past so you know how I can help you.

I’m Brian Tracy, owner of Brian Tracy International, a multi-million dollar company specializing in the science of success. My more than 300 programs (books, audio and video classes and live courses) educate people just like you on how to become successful in their personal and professional lives.
I haven’t always been this successful, though. I didn’t graduate high school, and spent the better part of my youth working labor jobs to make ends meet. At one point I was homeless. Eventually I got a job in sales, and after a rocky start, I learned from a mentor that success leaves tracks. If you follow them, you can succeed, too.
Since then, I’ve built my entire business on studying success – and teaching the findings of that study to action-oriented individuals who want to succeed, too.
Here’s just a taste of what we cover in this program:

Lesson 1: Make Your Life a Masterpiece
It’s time to discover how to access the unlimited potential you were born with. The first step: deciding exactly what you want in life, and writing it down.
You learn:

What you must do BEFORE you can expect to experience change in your life
The 7 key ingredients of success that determine your level of happiness and accomplishment
The powerful “magic wand” exercise: using it to create your perfect life
How to quit feeling like you’re wandering aimlessly: create a sense of purpose in your life that propels you forward

Lesson 2: The Seven Laws of Mental Mastery
Did you know that absolutely everything that happens to you is determined by what you think and the way you think about it? You hold the power to program your mind for automatic success, and that’s what you learn during this lesson.
You learn:

The difference between manmade laws and natural laws – which ones are enforced 100% of the time, and how you can use this to your advantage to get everything and anything you want
The secret to getting positive results, all the time (it’s so simple, you’ll be surprised!)
What REALLY determines what happens to you financially
How to create your own reality – no matter what you want it to be

Lesson 3: Develop Unshakeable Self-Confidence
Your beliefs about yourself and your world are ultimately responsible for determining your human potential. The good news is that you can learn to control how you feel about yourself. When you do, you can create a mindset ripe for success.
You learn:

How an average person with average qualities can perform at a superior level – and what this means for you
Where to begin when you want to improve any aspect of your life (it may not be where you think!)
The true source of your energy, dynamism, positive emotions and happiness – and how to build this source so you’re unstoppable as you pursue your goals
The greatest obstacles to success in adult life – and exactly how you can overcome them

Lesson 4: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, which means your circumstances reflect the way you think. Fortunately, you can change the way your circumstances simply by changing the way you think. You can program your powerful subconscious mind to work 24/7 to help you reach your goals.
You learn:

Proven methods for accelerating subconscious activity and achieving your goals faster than you ever thought possible
A quick, simple and powerful way to rid yourself of damaging negative thoughts whenever they arise
Powerful affirmation techniques that boost your creativity and problem-solving – and it’s impossible to do these wrong!
What you must keep your mind ON – and OFF of – if you want to achieve your goals and dreams

Lesson 5: Set and Achieve All Your Goals
I call goal-setting The Master Skill of success. Although people with clear goals accomplish 10 times as much in life as people who don’t have goals, only 3 percent of adults have written goals. Your brain already contains a goal-seeking mechanism – so why not fire it up and give it the fuel it needs to help you reach your most important goals?
You learn:

The primary reason people don’t set goals – and why, if you want to be successful, you can’t fall victim to this mindset
Where your greatest opportunities for success lie – and why you may have been looking in all the wrong places
My proven 12-step system for setting and achieving goals
A simple action that increases your success rate by 1000%

Lesson 6: Unlocking Your Superconscious Mind
Your superconscious mind is the most powerful source for success, achievement and happiness that exists in your personal universe. When you learn how to use your superconscious mind confidently and consistently, you find there is no obstacle you cannot overcome, no problem you cannot solve, and no goal you cannot achieve during your lifetime.
You learn:

What the superconscious mind IS, and how it fuels new inventions, scientific breakthroughs and flashes of insight
The greatest source of free energy on this planet – and how to access it
The RIGHT way to look at temporary setbacks and defeats
2 proven ways to stimulate your superconscious mind
How to identify a flash of superconscious activity – and what you must do when it occurs

Lesson 7: Become a Purely Positive Person
Now that you know how to program your mind for automatic success, it’s time to become absolutely positive, so you feel free, powerful and in control. When you do, you pave the road to happiness, health and prosperity.
You learn:

The starting point of personal liberation – and why it may not be easy, but is definitely a critical element in your happiness
Ever seen a negative baby? Why you haven’t – and what this has to do with you
An easy, simple technique to cancel out a negative emotion before it expands into your life
The major emotional problem of the 20th and 21st centuries, and how to eliminate it from your life (hint: it’s the root of mental illness, unhappiness and almost all the other negative emotions)

Lesson 8: Become Your Own Psychologist
Life is full of stressors, unexpected obstacles, and unforeseen changes. Your ability to manage these, day-to-day, is essential to your happiness and success. To perform at your best, you must maintain clarity and objectivity about yourself and your work. With courage and insight, you can help yourself cope with stressors that arise inevitably.
You learn:

The “worry buster” formula – a proven method to STOP worrying before it stresses you out
7 sources of stress and negativity – and tips for erasing each one
Where anger REALLY comes from – and the best way to deal with it
Your highest goal, around which you should organize everything in your life

Lesson 9: Develop a Winning Personality
Fully 85% of your happiness in life comes from your relationships with other people. Your ability to interact well with others in your personal and professional life determines how much success you achieve. Learn to become a positive person who is well-liked, trusted and well-respected, and people will gather around you to bolster you straight to the success you desire.
You learn:

The most important – and highest-paid – form of intelligence in America, and how to develop yours
The 7 keys to improving the quality of your relationships with other people
Hints for using “white magic” to build trust, build self-discipline, and build relationships

Lesson 10: How to Be Happy Together
Your ability to enter into a long-term, loving relationship is an important measure of your character and personality. Your committed relationship with another human being has the potential to achieve the balance and harmony nature demands. The choice of a mate and the quality of your home and family life determines your success as much or more than any other factor.
You learn:

The first step in freeing yourself from negative feelings
The truth behind “opposites attract,” and why it may not mean what you think it means when it comes to marriage and long-term relationships
What’s more important than being in love when it comes to your long-term relationship
The 6 major, but solvable, problems in relationships – and their cures

Lesson 11: Raising Happy, Healthy, Self-Confident Children
The most important and enduring relationship you ever enter into begins when you bring a child into the world. Raising super kids should be your goal – and the key to doing so is to realize your children are not your property; they belong to themselves. Their job is to grow and flower and become everything they are capable of becoming.
You learn:

The main reason children fail to grow and thrive (you may be unknowingly creating this environment)
The most common root of your children’s behavior problems
The most powerful way to tell a child that you really love him or her – do this one thing and your children will thrive as happy, self-confident adults
Where children look for cues on how to behave
Your primary role as a parent (it may not be what you think it is)

Lesson 12: The Secret of the Ages
The great discovery in life is that love is the most important thing in the world. It is crucial to recognize that love is a verb – not a noun or a feeling. Love is something you do, and every time you engage in a loving act, you make the world a better place in which to live.
You learn:

One thing all self-made millionaires have in common; what this has to do with love and how you can apply it to your life to achieve ultimate happiness and peace of mind
The RIGHT way to respond to anger and negativity if you want to achieve fulfillment and success
The 3 types of love, according to the ancient Greeks, and how each one plays a role in your inner and outer success

Great question!
First of all, you should know I’m completely committed to your success. I want you to have all the knowledge and information you need to discover what it feels like to achieve anything and everything you want in life. To that end, here’s how we’re going to do that, together.
When you order your copy of “Personal Success Made Simple,” you get:

14 Audio CDs, totaling 13 and ½ hours of audio.
A 110-page workbook so you can follow along and personalize your sales success journey.

Sound good?
Now, you’re probably wondering how much this is going to cost you.
First of all, think of this course as an investment – you’re going to reap incredible rewards from the moment you begin.
If you implement the strategies you learn in “Personal Success Made Simple,” you learn exactly how to unleash your unlimited potential.
How much is that worth to you?
$5,000? $2,500? $1,000?
I’m asking only a fraction of that: $197.
I’m so confident that the material in this program will change your life, that I wanted to celebrate it’s release, by offering it to you for the lowest price it will ever be offered!
I guarantee, if you implement what you learn here, even in the first lesson, you’re going to easily increase your income again and again, month after month, year after year – doing more of what you love.
To me, it’s a no-brainer.
But just in case it’s not a no-brainer for you, remember you’re covered by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee – that is, buy the product, try it for 365 Days, and if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can return it for a full refund. No questions, no hassles.

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email  [email protected]