
Branding Summit 2014

Original price was: ₹29,550.00.Current price is: ₹2,490.00.


Branding Summit 2014
Learn from over 80 world-leading online entrepreneurs who have been just where you are and built amazing profitable personal brands.
You’ll discover exactly how to build your authority and powerful personal brand online (even if you’re starting from scratch and know no one in your field), so that you can make more impact in your business and life.
The foundation of building your personal brand online

Finding your voice, defining your audience & getting ready to launch your brand the to the world

Leveraging content marketing (Blogging, Podcasting, YouTube etc.) to build and grow your online brand

How to use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn) to market and grow your personal brand

Proven ways to make money from your personal brand with integrity

Real-world personal branding case studies with online entrepreneurs who have done it

And much, MUCH more!
(89 individual videos)

Day 1 – The Foundation for Building Your Personal Brand, Thought Leadership & Audience Building

John Lee Dumas How to Grow an Audience, Create a Product & Sell on a Live Webinar

Mark Schaefer How to Become a Thought Leader in Your Industry

Barry Feldman The A to Z Guide to Personal Branding
Day 2 – Storytelling/Copywriting

Marisa Murgatroyd -How to Use Your Personal Story to Attract Ideal Clients & Grow a Passionate Tribe

Kevin Rogers How to Craft Your 60 Second Sales Hook & Charge Premium Prices

Ryan Hanley How to Use Storytelling to Develop Your Branding Strategy
Day 3 – Networking/Relationship Marketing

Andrew Davis Brandscaping: Unleashing The Power of Partnerships

Jared Easley How to Grow Your Brand and Podcast Audience Through Collaboration

James Swanwick 17 Easy Steps To Build Relationships And Leverage Your Network To Grow Your Business & Brand

Dorie Clark Reinventing Your Personal Brand
Day 4 – Networking/Relationship Marketing & Brand Identity

Susan RoAne How to Work a Room to Help Your Build Your Personal Brand Online & Offline

Primoz Bozic How to Surround Yourself with Successful People & Get Mentored by Influencers (Even If You Hate Networking)

Omar Zenhom How to Create a Brand Identity Guidelines Sheet
Day 5 – Audience Building/Positioning

Corbett Barr Find Your Voice, Define Your Audience & Build a Highly Engaged Tribe of Paying Customers

Nick Reese How to Create Your Ideal Customer Avatar

Ben Krueger Powerhouse Positioning: How to Position Yourself as The Go-to Person In Your Field

Nathalie Lussier Finding Your Voice and Building Your Email List The Right Way
Day 6 – Personal Branding Case Study Interviews

Antonio Centeno How Antonio Built a Very Profitable Online Brand & Engaged Audience with an Email List of Almost 100,000 Subscribers

Caleb Wojcik From Cubicle Renegade to Thriving Online Entrepreneur & DIY Video Guy

Erika Lyremark How Thinking Like a Stripper Can Help You Develop a Confident & Authentic Personal Brand
Day 7 – Personal Branding Case Study Interviews

Mike Michalowicz How to Build Your Personal Brand by Putting Your Profit First

Charles Ngo From Affiliate Marketing Superstar to Building a Highly Engaged Audience & a Profitable Personal Brand Online
Day 8 – Website Design Secrets/Branding

Jenny Blake How to Create an Amazing Personal Branded Website That is 100% YOU!

Greg Merrilees How to Crete a Premium Website That Converts Like Crazy (even if you’re on a budget)

Re Perez How to Create a Game-Changing Personal Brand That Will Help You Attract Your Ideal Clients

Jenna Soard Develop a Visual Story with Characters and Mood Boards to Reach Ideal Clients More Effectively
Day 9 – Launch Your Profitable Personal Brand/Make Money From Your Brand

Natalie Sisson 8 Ways to Monetize Your Personal Brand Online

Mike Kim How to Launch A Profitable Personal Brand …Without Quitting Your Day Job … or Blogging Your Brains Out!

Craig McBreen How to Build a Personal Brand That Will Grow Your Business

Peter Sterlacci 10 Steps to Building Your Powerful Personal Brand Online
Day 10 – Audience Building

Danny Iny How to Build a Highly Engaged Audience For Your Brand from Scratch

Amber Ludwig Build Your Platform, Grow Your Tribe & Monetize Your Brand

Neil Patel How to Build Your Brand & Blog Audience from Scratch
Day 11 – Publicity

Selena Soo How to Elevate Your Brand, Supercharge Your Earnings, and Get Big Opportunities

John Corcoran Guest Blogging Strategies That Helped Get 500 to 1,000 Email Subscribers Per Post

Jill & Josh Stanton Badass Guest Blogging Secrets That Work
Day 12 – Publicity

Andreea Ayers How to Get No-Nonsense Publicity For Your Brand

Christina Daves How to Get FREE Publicity for Your Business & Brand

Kimanzi Constable How to Write Articles That Get Published on Large Websites
Day 13 – Personal Branding Case Study Interviews

James Schramko How to Build a Multiple 7-Figure Business & Brand and Only Work 3 Days a Week

Maria Brilaki Creating Systems to Build Your Brand and Make Your List Building Work For You

Jeet Banerjee How to Build a Profitable Personal Brand From Scratch with No Degree, Experience, or Money
Day 14 – Rapid Listbuilding & Sales Funnels

Bryan Harris Proven Formulas to Skyrocket The Growth of Your Email List

James Clear 3 Tips for Getting Over 100 Subscribers Per Day

Tim Paige Rapid Listbuilding 2.0 For Accelerated Hypergrowth

Jeremy Reeves How to Build a Million Dollar Sales Funnel For Your Brand
Day 15 – Content Marketing: Blogging

Yaro Starak How to Make 100,000 Per Year with Only 200 Blog Visitors a Day

Ana Hoffman How to Build Your Brand & Double Your Blog Traffic in 30 Days

Ian Cleary How to Increase Traffic, Leads & Sales with Your Blog

Leslie Samuel How to Build a Powerful Personal Brand Through The Power of Strategic Blogging
Day 16 – Podcasting

Kris Gilbertson How to Launch a Podcast with a BAAM & Attract 5 Figure Clients

Michael O’Neal Podcasting The Right Way & The Importance of Building a Strong Brand

Meron Bareket How to Build Your Brand’s Audience with Podcasting

Greg Hickman The Importance of Mobile Marketing to Grow Your Online Brand
Day 17 – Online Video/YouTube/Google+ Hangouts

Gideon Shalwick How To Leverage The Power of YouTube to Market and Grow Your Personal Brand Online

Amy Schmittauer How to Vlog Like a Boss & Use Twitter to Build Relationships that Lead to Business

Brandee Sweesy How to Use Google+ Hangouts to Market and Grow Your Brand
Day 18 – Leverage Content Marketing to Market & Grow Your Brand

Brian Dean How to Get 25,000 Unique Visitors to Your Blog Every Month by Publishing Epic Content and Doing Outreach the Right Way

Regina Anaejionu How to Create Killer Content That Drives Traffic and Builds a Thriving Business & Brand From Scratch

Elisa Doucette The Secrets to Creating Compelling Content & Making Words Sexy
Day 19 – Leverage Content Marketing to Market & Grow Your Brand

Rand Fishkin What You Need to Know About SEO in 2015 to Grow Your Online Brand

Andy Crestodina How to Promote Your Content & Grow Your Brand Rapidly

Syed Balkhi How to Grow Your Blog’s Traffic & Monetize Your Brand
Day 20 – Storytelling, Authenticity & Being Yourself

Anaïs Bock [censored] Elimination In Branding

Mars Dorian How to Create an Authentic Brand and Stand Out From The Crowd Online

Srini Rao How to Build an Unmistakably Creative Online Brand
Day 21 – Personal Branding Case Study Interviews

Jeff Rose How Jeff Rose Built a 6 Figure Blog & Brand By Building Relationships with Other Bloggers

Joana Galvao How to Get Big A-list Anchor Clients to Skyrocket Your Business & Brand

Scott Dinsmore How to Build a Community That Grows Your Business & Brand For You
Day 22 – Use Social Media to Market & Grow Your Brand

Rebekah Radice How to Use Social Media the Right Way to Market and Grow Your Personal Brand

Melonie Dodaro How to Use LinkedIn to Build Your Personal Brand Online

Alex Pirouz Discover The 3 Steps to LinkedIn Mastery To Grow Your Personal Brand Online
Day 23 – Google+/FB Ads

Martin Shervington How to Dominate Your Personal Brand Using Google+

Rick Mulready How to Use Facebook Ads to Market and Grow Your Business & Online Brand

Stephanie Sammons How to Use LinkedIn to Build Online Influence
Day 24 – Visual Branding

Sue B. Zimmerman How to Use Instagram to Build and Grow Your Personal Brand Online

Donna Moritz How to Use Visual Content to Get More Shares and Drive More Traffic to Your Blog (+ Grow Your Brand)

Elizabeth Bradley Social Media Engagement From Scratch to Attract Your Ideal Clients & Grow Your Brand
Day 25 – Webinars/Product Launches

Casey Zimmerman Supersize Your Audience With Live Webinars & Create a Product Fast

Aj Amyx How to Launch a Brand, Product or Service in 90 Days

Laura Roeder How to Launch Your First Product (Even If You’re Starting From Scratch!)

Dane Maxwell Topic to be announced soon!
Day 26 – Book Marketing/Publishing

Jesse Krieger How to Build a Book-Based Business & Brand From Scratch

Tyler Wagner How to Self-publish an Amazon Bestseller in 3 Months or Less

Jonny Andrews How to Sell 10,000 Books in 28 Days (even if you haven’t written yours yet)
Day 27 – Public Speaking & Getting Booked Solid With Your Ideal Clients

Jason Billows How to Get Booked Solid with Your Ideal Clients in 6 Months

Matthew Kimberley How to Get More Clients in Under 30 Minutes a Day

Grant Baldwin How to Land Your First Paid Speaking Gig (even if you’re just starting out)
Day 28 – Closing Keynote

Chris Ducker How to Work with Virtual Staff to Manage Your Brand the Smart Way

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