
Stephen Smotherman – The Reseller Guide to A Year in FBA

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Stephen Smotherman – The Reseller Guide to A Year in FBA
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to always be prepared for whatever comes your way in your Amazon business? Do you ever get frustrated because it seems like you’re always a few steps behind other Amazon sellers? If you’re ready to always be ready, then this book is for you.
The Problem
A few years ago I started to get frustrated that I was always behind in my Amazon FBA business. I often heard on online forums that other Amazon sellers were already making holiday-related sales before I even thought about sourcing for that upcoming holiday. Not only that, but I missed out on some really good retail arbitrage sales, almost got charged a hefty long-term storage fee, got stuck in a super slow sales drought during the summer, and wasn’t fully prepared for Q4. I realized that I was missing out on a lot of profitable opportunities simply because I wasn’t prepared.
The Solution & Results
I decided that I wasn’t going to be left behind again. I committed to myself that during the next year, I would faithfully research and record every single opportunity that would either save me money or make me money on Amazon. This little research project of mine ended up being over 160 pages. Following everything in my personal Year in FBA guide, I was finally able to achieve six figures in sales for the year. The two years after that, I was able to grow my business by another 50% each year. Every year I update this book, and it’s currently over 225 pages of extremely valuable and relevant information.
What You Can Expect
The Reseller’s Guide to A Year in FBA is a month by month guide that will help you be properly prepared for all you need to do (and avoid doing) in order to help you both save money and maximize your profits. There is a chapter in the book for each month of the year. From January to December, I’ll walk you through everything from important deadlines, what items to source for, and holidays to prepare for, to sales to take advantage of and resources that will help you become an expert in many different aspects of online reselling.
Month-By-Month Training Videos
Each month of the year has its very own hour-long training video that comes as a supplement to the Year in FBA book. During these content-packed training videos, I’ll discuss exactly what I’m doing and what I think you need to be doing to make the most of your time and sourcing capital for each specific month. I’ll talk about what to prepare for, what sourcing opportunities are out there, and what you need to be sure NOT to do that month. These training videos were recorded live, so at the end of each training session I opened things up to some Q&A where I answered questions based on what’s going on in the Amazon FBA world that month. You’ll get over 12 hours of video training, averaging out to an hour of actionable and profitable content each month.
Updated every year!
The Reseller’s Guide to A Year in FBA updates every year to help you be prepared for everything the year has to offer. The book currently has over 225 pages. From January to December, The Reseller’s Guide to a Year in FBA will help you make this year your best one ever. When you purchase the 2018 updated version of A Year in FBA, then you’ll automatically get the 2019, 2020, 2021 (etc.), updates (including new and updated bonuses) for FREE!
Scroll inside the box below to check out the table of contents:
The Reseller’s Guide to a Year in FBA

Table of Contents

Wait! Don’t Skip The Introduction!
A Little About Me
How to Read This Book
Video Training Access
Free Updates
The Year in FBA Facebook Group
Recommended Resources
Basic Understanding
Start Strong

Chapter 1: January

Happy New Year!
Know Your Numbers
Q4 Detox
Handling Returns
Extended Holiday Return Window
January Sourcing Detox
Adding Wholesale to Your FBA Business
Thrift Stores in January
Post-Christmas Amazon Price Drops
January Sourcing Ideas
Popular Items Sold in January
Long Term Storage Fees
How to Know Which Items Will Be Charged (and How Much)
Avoiding Long Term Storage Fees
Valentine’s Day is Coming
Important Dates in January

Chapter 2: February

Welcome to February!
Long Term Storage Fees
Opportunity Costs
February 13th
Post-Long-Term Storage Fee Strategy
Amazon Fee Increases
Slower Sales & Lower Sales
Craiglist Sourcing Strategies for February
Valentine’s Day
After Valentine’s Day Sales
Chinese New Year
March/April Dates to Prepare For
Weather-Related Sourcing Ideas
Feed the Beast
Iced in? Get Creative!
Important Dates in February

Chapter 3: March

Welcome to March!
Garage Sales
Hit or Miss
Automatically Track Your Mileage
ASD in Las Vegas
Buying Complete Booths
The ASD Experience
Overwhelmed by ASD?
Can’t Make the Trade Show?
April Dates to Prepare For
Bundling Basics
How to Apply For the GTIN Exemption
Important Bundling Rules
Higher Bundle Profits
Marching Towards Profits
Important Dates in March

Chapter 4: April

Welcome to April!
Meltable Items
Meltable Mishaps
Spring Cleaning
Automated Spring Cleaning (Removals)
Profitable April Sourcing
Garage Sale Tip of the Month
May Dates To Prepare For
CES Conference
Important Dates in April

Chapter 5: May

Welcome to May!
What to Do on May 1
Free Money
June Dates to Prepare For
Prime Day Lightning Deals Opportunity
Preparing for Summer with Kids at Home
How To Gain Millions More Customers
Cleaning up Your FBA Inventory with a Garage Sale
Important Dates in May

Chapter 6: June

Welcome to June!
Avoiding The Summer Slowdown
Bundle Up to Avoid the Summer Slowdown
Family Time
July Dates to Prepare For
Winter Sourcing
Sourcing Road Trip
Going on Vacation
Expanding Your Sourcing Skills
The Wholesale Formula
Important Dates in June

Chapter 7: July

Welcome to July!
Items to Source in July
Post July 4th Sales
Massive Target Toy Clearance Sale
Prime Day
Amazon Policy and Fee Changes
August Dates to Prepare For
Long-Term Storage Fees
How to Know Which Items Will Be Charged (and How Much)
Avoiding Long-Term Storage Fees
Selling Seasonal Items on Amazon
Important Dates in July

Chapter 8: August

Welcome to August!
End of Summer Sales
ASD Trade Show
Back to School
Back to School for You!
While the Kids are Off to School
Long Term Storage Fee Reminder
Opportunity Costs
August 13
Post-Long-Term Storage Fee Strategy
September Dates to Prepare For
Feedback Preparations for Q4
Important Dates in August

Chapter 9: September

Welcome to September!
Preparing for Q$
The Q4 Snowball
More Help with Q4
October Dates to Prepare For
A Q4 Warning
Bundling Basics
How to Apply for a GTIN Exemption
Important Bundling Rules
The Q4 Monlthy Storage Fee Increase
Important Dates in September

Chapter 10: October

Welcome to October!
Q4 FBA Eligibility
Q4 Preparation
Stretching Your Sourcing Money
Toys! Toys! Toys!
Hot Toy Lists
More Q4 Training
Raise Your Prices
The Christmas Arch
Holiday Selling Guidelines for Toys & Games
Merchant Fulfill?
Halloween Costumes
Halloween Candy
When to Slash Prices
After Halloween
Feedback Management
Important Dates in October

Chapter 11: November

Welcome to November!
Dollar General Toy Sale
Post Halloween
More than Just Toys
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Summer in November?
Correct Q4 Expectations
Online Arbitrage Tips for Q4
Toy Sourcing in Q4
Black Friday Preparation
Black Friday Shopping Day
Hiring Help for Black Friday
Bonus Black Friday Tips
Better Prices Before AND After Black Friday?
Go At Your Own Pace
Rock Black Friday Sales Every Year
After Thanksgiving
Cyber Monday
Quick Q4 Tips for November
What NOT to Do During Q4
Final Thoughts about November
Important Dates in November

Chapter 12: December

Welcome to December!
Holding Your Price vs. The Race to the Bottom
Keeping Customer Service a Priority
Let’s Make Some money!
Pre-Christmas Sales
Shipping to Amazon FBA in Time for Christmas
The Week Before Christmas
A Few Days Before Christmas
After Christmas
What to Do With All That Q4 Money
Running Year-End Reports For Tax Purposes
Looking Towards the New Year
Important Dates in December

Appendix: Brand Restrictions

Brand Restrictions and Sourcing
Why Amazon Restricts Brands
Brand Restrictions and Sourcing Strategies
How to Respond if a Brand You Sell Becomes Restricted
Assessing Risk

In The Reseller’s Guide to a Year in FBA, I will break down exactly what to expect for each month of your FBA business. Here is just a taste of what the book will have to offer:

Which types of items are the best to buy in each month for resale
What important Amazon deadlines are coming up
The best times to reprice your inventory
How to avoid long term storage fees
How to deal with current and future brand restrictions and come out on top
How to avoid the summer sales slow down
How to increase your sales on Prime day
How to prepare and profit from major (and minor) holidays
The best time of the year to improve your feedback score (and how).
The best month to use advanced online arbitrage strategies
How to have the best Q4 with the “Q4 snowball method”
How and when to run your Amazon business reports for tax purposes
and so much more!

How much is being prepared worth to you?
The Reseller’s Guide to a Year in FBA is currently a one time charge of only $117 – that averages out to only $9.75 a month for a full year’s worth of valuable information, plus 12 monthly training videos and 4 bonuses! The guide is over 225 pages filled with everything I know about how to make the most of each and every month. Plus, when you get the book, you’ll be automatically enrolled into the lifetime ownership program. This means that every time we update the book (usually once a year), you’ll get the updates for free. Not only that, but I offer a 60-day 100% refund policy… so you have nothing to lose.
Bonus Material – Not only do you get the 225-page Year in FBA ebook and monthly training videos, but you also get these 4 valuable bonuses at no extra charge.
Access to The Year in FBA Private Facebook Group – In this members-only group, you’ll have access to reminders of upcoming sales, Amazon deadlines, and countless profit opportunities. Members will also be able to post brand new profit opportunities that are discovered throughout the year!
Year in FBA Notebook – Have you ever wished you had recorded when certain stores had their big sales so you are sure not to miss them next time? Have you ever wished you had a place where all of your most important tips and tricks were written down so you don’t forget them? Well, now you’ll have a place to store all these opportunities and more.
Year in FBA Printable Calendar – Print the 2018 FBA Calendar and post it on your wall for another visual reminder of what is coming up and what you need to prepare for. The calendar will include all important dates, store sales, and Amazon deadlines. The calendar will also be updated as the year progresses with new information.
Video – How I Use The Year in FBA Calendar – In this video I show you our Amazon logistical center where we organize our RA trips, OA orders, and our Year in FBA Calendar. I’ll walk you through how we use this area to keep everything organized so we don’t miss out on any opportunities to grow our Amazon FBA business.
> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected]