
Robert Anthony – Rich Mind Life Strategy

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Robert Anthony – Rich Mind Life Strategy
You no longer need to GET RICH (be it Quick or Slow)…
Why work hard struggling to GET RICH? When it’s so much easier to create a continual flow of money and riches in

your life without struggle…
Once you “Master the Flow” and the “Money Flow Triggers” all around you… the universal and timeless relationship between mind, money, and riches will be forever unlocked – delivering an unstoppable flow of wealth and riches into your life…
The Seven Master Secrets of the Rich Mind Life Strategy…
The Rich Mind Life Strategy is a scientifically provable strategy that does not require you to take a blind leap of faith for it to work. When you apply the combined principles contained in the Seven Master Secrets – along with some ongoing training and mentoring, you cannot fail to attract whatever you desire…
So settle back, and let me take you on a journey through the Seven Master Secrets – and how they can transform your life and the results you create in everything you do…
Master Secret #1: “Master the flow” – This is the one secret most responsible for all the wealth, riches, and happiness ever created throughout all of history…
Being in the flow is the ultimate master secret of the Rich Mind Life Strategy – and it delivers the ultimate rewards…
When you have “mastered the flow“, you will know how to align yourself with all the riches you desire by living in a state of ease instead of a state of resistance – which is characterized by fear, doubt, and worry.
You will experience life with a natural ease and grace – and you will find the precise people, circumstances and events lining up and attracting to you that which you most desire…
Everything will flow into your life without constant and undue effort, and there will be absolutely no need to struggle. You’ll discover life IS NOT a series of obstacles placed in the way of what you desire.
When you step out of the flow – by believing the illusion that the flow does not exist for you – your life becomes a series of never ending problems and obstacles.
So how do you master the flow?
Throughout the Rich Mind Life Strategy program, you will:

Discover how being “in-the-flow” will not only deliver to you a continual flow of money and riches – but also give you total freedom from the negative habits that keep everybody else out-of-the-flow…

Experience the electrifying feeling of being in total alignment – where your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions all act in concert to deliver to you precisely what you desire – money, wealth, and riches in health, relationships, and life…

Discover the two states of being that ancient to modern teachings, and almost every belief system agree are responsible for creating the optimal state for attracting physical and spiritual riches into your life…

Discover the deepest and most profound secrets to having deliberate creation, synchronicity, and intuition work for you – at all times guiding you toward the things you desire and away from that which you no longer want to be a part of your life…

The truth is, we all have a hyper-vigilance – “yeah, right” – sabotaging voice in our heads – that does not want us to experience the flow. It is only interested in stopping our success and maintaining the status quo.
You will discover how to tone down the internal rhetoric and even make the saboteur your champion…
Furthermore, you will discover:

How to gain instant relief from the unending list of stresses we experience in daily life … from children to job to lack of time and a million other demands that tend to frazzle even the most hard-headed among us…

How to thrive with ease, grace, and gratitude – discover the number one secret that successful people who live-in-the-flow use to create absolutely anything they desire – without struggle…

A simple way to demonstrate to yourself that the flow of riches is very real and is always available to you – three easy techniques you can try in one pain free afternoon that will have you convinced for life…

One reason people find it hard to believe in the flow, is they look at the state of the world today and bemoan, “the world has gone to hell”…
But did you know it’s been scientifically proven that you can use the presence of “bad” in your world to attract good to you and to literally millions of others at the same time – Rich Mind Life Strategy demonstrates the latest evidence…
And what about the current state of the economy you ask? Surely that puts a damper on creating wealth?

If you believe your parents, the economy or the government are to blame for your current situation… then here’s a shocker… THEY ARE NOT… There are much more subtle forces at work which most are totally unaware of, but which you DO have total control over…

Plus discover how to stop working against yourself … The truth is – the key to success and attracting riches is so counter intuitive – it scares most people away… but if you put this one principle to work for you, a life of ease and abundance will FLOW to you effortlessly…

Would you like to tap into an endless source of flow in your life – where jobs, money, love, creativity, and opportunity come easily? Here’s how: Step one – stop chasing after them. Step two, follow these three simple principles outlined for you in Rich Mind Life Strategy…

If you have ever been a Star Wars fan – Rich Mind Life Strategy will explain why George Lucas was on the right path with “may the force be with you”… In so many ways this explains why successful people REALLY DO have it easy and control their own destiny…
And finally in Master Secret #1, you will also discover:

The three “key flow blockers” that drain you emotionally and make it impossible to line up the right circumstances for achieving what you want in life – we identify them and show you how to eradicate them forever…

How to develop a “sixth sense” GPS-like inbuilt monitoring system that will instantly detect when you are slipping out-of-the-flow and alert you to future unfavorable events before they occur…

… then use one easy Rich Mind Life Strategy technique to immediately course correct and put yourself back in-the-flow…
THE FLOW really is the most anti-discriminatory force in the universe… No matter what your age, color of your skin, where you live, how much money you do or don’t have – it is available to you – as long as you consent to it…
Let’s take a look at some well-known personalities, and how they mastered the flow to achieve great personal and professional success…

Oprah discovered how to “master the flow” –

Walt Disney and Michael Jordan did too…
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey came from humble beginnings. Her early life was far from easy – living in extreme and impoverished conditions, being abused and running away from home.
But early in life, knowingly or not, Oprah discovered how to master the flow…
She discovered and pursued her passion for broadcasting and performing from the age of 17. Working in radio, she moved to TV and reporting, and then into co-hosting “People Are Talking” in 1978.
Oprah aligned herself with her true core passion, and always focused on doing what she loved over and over… She became masterful at it, and it seemed the right people, the right circumstances, and the right events lined up for her.
The Oprah Winfrey Show was a smashing success from the outset … and had won 25 Emmy Awards at the time she stopped having the show submitted for consideration.
Her achievements are far too long to list here… She was named one of the 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century by Time magazine. She is the first African-American woman to become a billionaire.
And her Angel Network has raised more than $50 million for charities worldwide.
To outsiders, it seems success comes easily to individuals like Oprah… they attract a continual flow of wealth and riches without the constant and never ending struggle most people experience…
But this is a true indication of somebody living in the flow…
Oprah, like all of use, still has adversities and “obstacles” – but they are never viewed as such. Every such “obstacle” is always turned into an opportunity to create a greater flow of values which Oprah’s devoted audience loves and appreciates.
Walt Disney
Like Oprah, Walt Disney was also born in poverty. But he loved his art and throughout his life, always stayed true to his passion…
As a young man he arrived in Hollywood with only $40 in his pocket – but he had dreams and knew of no obstacles…
Walt’s first creation, Oswald the Rabbit, was stolen from him. But always in the flow, nothing would stop his passion that next created Mickey Mouse…
Then came “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” then the world’s first theme park… and the list goes on…
Walt Disney’s creativity, intuition, and alignment with his core passion – all tell-tale signs of somebody who has mastered the flow – produced Disney theme parks all around the world, the first full-length animated movie, and the modern multimedia corporation – Disney does over $22 billion in annual sales…
Michael Jordan
Although it may be hard to believe now, Michael Jordan was an unlikely champion. He didn’t make the varsity team in high school until his junior year. Jordan says no one in his family ever expected him to amount to much.
But he has a passion and he understood the process… Michael practiced intensely beyond the already punishing team practices when in college. This helped him overcome his lack of natural talent, which got him cut from his high school team.
And just like Oprah and Walt Disney – “obstacles” were never seen as such. Instead, he just went with the flow, focus on the process, and continued to do what he loved over and over…
In fact, he was once quoted as saying, “all I thought about was doing what I was good at and letting that open up a lot of opportunities for me and choosing from that point on”.
Michael Jordan’s achievements would take a book to list… but safe to say, he is the greatest basketball player that ever was…
“The flow” is not just for the high profile – people

just like you discover how to master it everyday…

And there are countless examples of everyday people who have mastered the flow and achieved great success – personally, professionally, and financially – with no great constant and never ending struggle…
Erin S., and Kristen H. both wanted to be Broadway actresses. While most aspiring actresses spend years beating a path to every audition on offer, waiting on tables, living in a dumpy apartment with 5 other hopefuls…
Erin and Kristen both left that “desperation” strategy to others. Understanding that there is a process, going with the flow of what was on offer and a match for their talents… and always then taking the next logical step – both achieved success on Broadway and then Hollywood fast…
Roving tours around the country and the world led to Broadway… which led to TV and Hollywood movie roles… and along the way Erin became a published poet, and Kristen performed for the Former President and First Lady Clinton.
Or the story of Denise P. whose parents were overjoyed when she landed an Administrative Assistant position for the Florida Power and Light Company – which they expected would probably be her life-long occupation.
She had other plans and aligned herself with her passions and mastered the flow – and within a few years found herself presenting multi-hundred-million dollar strategies to the boardrooms of American Express, Mutual of Omaha, and Qwest.
Many dismiss such stories as a “fluke” or “luck”. But if you take an honest and closer look, you’ll discover “luck” is not in play. Rather, there is a repeatable process that you can follow too…
And there is a science behind the process which proves anybody, at anytime in their life, can master the flow… That is the science of neuroplasticity…
The new science of neuroplasticity explains

how to activate the “money flow triggers”…
The science of neuroplasticy demonstrates that you can retrain your mind to think differently, and in the process activate the “money flow triggers”…
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change in response to external stimuli and in response to your own mental intentions… Your brain devotes more neural “real estate” to functions that you use more often, and it does this by “stealing” the space devoted to activities you rarely or never perform.
It shows that any regular practice changes the neuropathways in the brain. And so does what you pay attention to. In fact, attention – awareness – is a major key to neuroplasticity.
So in effect, your mind can change your brain’s nueropathways and YOU can choose and direct these changes…
In the Rich Mind Life Strategy program, we show you how to retrain the neuropathways in your brain in regards to money…
…and in relation to anything else you want to achieve. You will then be in the most powerful position to take advantage of Master Secret #2…
Master Secret #2: Connect to the “U.P.M.” – the greatest source of creativity, inspiration and personal power available to each and every one of us…

The “U.P.M.” is both your inner-guidance system, and the universal source of power from which you and everybody draws strength and power…
It operates in everybody’s lives, and it has been discussed over the ages by almost all religions, philosophical thinkers, and also scientists…
When you are in alignment with the “U.P.M.”, everything comes to you easily and effortlessly. This connection creates an unstoppable flow…
The Rich Mind Life Strategy program demonstrates how the “U.P.M.” works, how it delivers an endless flow of benefits to you, and also provides a definite process that will ensure you always remain in alignment with it.
You will also discover:

How to unlock your unlimited creative powers which lie dormant within you is actually the one thing ancient writings, various religious texts, science, quantum physics and evolutionary cosmology all agree upon – the big picture will be revealed to you…

Why most people feel cut off from inspiration, synchronicity and divine guidance most of the time – the Rich Mind Life Strategy 74-point checklist and assessment will instantly pinpoint the trigger points and blocks that are keeping the natural flow of money, wealth and riches from sweeping over your life…

The science behind the world of struggle, pain and frustration – and why it occurs… when you understand the science, you’ll understand how to erase it from your life forever…

Einstein through his scientific discoveries educated the world that E = Mc2 – energy ties together the fabric of the universe… less understood is that every individual, including YOU is part of that equation… when you unlock the equation your power to create riches expands exponentially…
Once you understand how to connect to the “U.P.M.”, Master Secret #3 will directly address how to use that power to create by design…
Master Secret #3: Create by design instead of by default…
Move into a realm beyond the Law of Attraction…

Did you ever think there might be an element of truth to the cliches:
“What goes around comes around”…
“The rich get richer while the poor get poorer”…
“Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it”…

Have you ever noticed that whatever you hold in your mind with energy and focus becomes your reality … whether it be negative or positive, if you focus on it and give it emotional energy, it manifests itself in your life…
And if there is something you struggle against… it just seems to come back to you in droves (rather than leaving)… In fact, the more you resist, the more you attract that which you don’t want…
These are all examples of the Law of Attraction in action, which is the Master Secret #3 of the Rich Mind Life Strategy.
The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on – you will get. Notice I said what you focus on. I did not say what you want or need or desire. If you are focused on the fact that you do not have enough money, if you are constantly worrying about it and thinking about it… then that is your dominant thought and focus.
The Law of Attraction … whatever you focus most of the time you get…
Thus, if you change your point of focus, your thoughts and your dominant emotions, you have taken the first step toward changing your results.
The Rich Mind Life Strategy program goes into great depths on the Law of Attraction – way beyond any other discussion or demonstration of the subject.
In the program you will discover:

The four scientific principles behind the Law of Attraction that make it an absolute universal principle and law … they also explain why it never has and never will fail you…

How to uncover your deepest held beliefs and life assumptions – which form the blueprint for everything you experience… then use the Rich Mind Life Strategy turn-key strategy to re-write the blueprint and kick-start a continual flow of riches…

The three most common mistakes to avoid when you first start creating by design – understand these and you’ll never again get stuck in a rut – and your future will burst open with possibilities you can’t even imagine right now…

There is a link between the “invisible” and the “visible” world, the “seen” and the “unseen”… and understand how opening up a pathway between the two will start the flow of unlimited riches to you…
Once you understand this, you will appreciate:

The “inner language that changes your outer world”… discover the three critical factors you can control – which will allow you to live in alignment, follow your passions and achieve your desires…

Why joining protest groups, fighting for or against a cause, or complaining about any issue only serves to expand that which you don’t want…

And why there is only one word the universe and Law of Attraction responds to… understand what it is and why, and it will instantly change your mindset, your actions and your results…

In addition, you will:

Discover the three flow blocking addictions we have all been conditioned to experience pretty much as a first-response knee-jerk reaction – understand what they are and how eradicating them will free up your incoming flow of wealth and riches…

Understand the “delay factor” — what is in your thoughts and feelings today will become your circumstances tomorrow… discover how to instantly get a grip on controlling all outcomes that matter to you…

Be aware of the creative energy field known as the Quantum Incubator of Possibilities… Discover a three step process to mastering it so simple a pre-school child could and probably does follow it…

The Rich Mind Life Strategy program will also reveal:

What has been shrouded in mystery since the days of the Greeks – a universal truth which will allow you to use any “bad” in life to get the “good” to align with and be attracted to you…

A definitive scientific study that shows how negative emotions lead to physical ailments, illness and misfortune, while positive emotions “directed by design” lead to rhythm, peak performance, and the attraction of success, wealth and riches…

And how ‘Ask and Ye shall Receive’ and ‘even before you ask, it is given unto you’ is not just a spiritual and religious teaching of the ages – but a universal law that has always been applicable to everyone of us…

But you will never really benefit from such universal laws until you know how to release struggle in your life. The critical importance of this is covered in Master

Secret #4…
Master Secret #4: Release struggle…
“Give up the fight – and let the wins

come to you automatically”…
Would you like to replace fear, doubt and worry in your life with ease, joy and abundance? When you discover how to release struggle, you can… and Master Secret #4 is all about letting go of resistance – releasing the struggle…
Resistance is a force that tends to oppose or retard motion. Anything you resist, you feed and give energy and life and power to…
But when you are unattached… when there is no fear-based need, when you release judgment about outcomes and just allow… your life will take a dramatic turn.
The Rich Mind Life Strategy Master Secret #4 gives you a step-by-step process for releasing your unconscious habitual patterns that are holding you back.
In addition, you will understand:

The secret and innermost working mechanics of how “releasing struggle” will result in your being automatically guided to the right people, circumstances and conditions that are in alignment with your desires…

The war that goes on within you everyday between resistance and desire – why it ALWAYS produces mixed results – and how to overcome it for immediate payoffs personally, emotionally, and financially…

A beginners guide to the act of letting go – why hitting rock bottom almost always guarantees a major new upswing – but how you can avoid ever having to go down that far before you pull yourself back up…

And once you have released struggle, you can then move into the super conscious creation mode…
Master Secret #5: Move into super conscious creation mode…
Most people do not realize that there are different levels of conscious awareness – and precise steps you can take to move yourself up the ladder of awareness…
At the lowest levels of awareness, everything is hopeless, we are powerless, we are very distrusting and the focus is purely on day-to-day survival.
At the highest levels of awareness we have great personal power, we know about the flow and can direct it, we are free from struggle and synchronicity and intuition serve our best interests at all times…
In the Rich Mind Life Strategy program, we will lay out for you a journey. Starting from where you stand today, moving up through greater and greater levels of awareness.
In essence, you will have a roadmap… And from that roadmap you will discover:

How almost everybody lives under an unconscious “trance of struggle” – discover the five root causes of your individualized “trance profile” and how to counter their “rose-colored glasses” effect on how you process and thus profitably use information…

The five levels of awareness that directly affect the volume and intensity of the flow of money, wealth and riches that come to you… pinpoint where you fall on the scale, and precisely what to do to raise yourself to a higher level…

The precise steps to take that lead to greater awareness – which lead to greater personal power, being able to sense and direct the flow, and synchronicity and intuition that attract to you an unending amount of wealth and riches…

We also reveal the recently discovered invisible mind viruses that have kept everyone at lower levels of awareness all of our lives – and how this scientific discovery and understanding will allow you to easily nullify their limiting effect…
You will also discover how:

The brain naturally functions as a pattern identification and matching system – which can at times work against you and hold you back… discover a simple process to counteract this natural tendency and immediately catapult yourself to a greater awareness and flow of riches…

In today’s busy world the focus is on survival – downtime is a luxury… cell phones, laptops, Blackberries keep us working even when on vacation… we all believe this hard work will be rewarded – but it’s a colossal illusion – discover how to give up the struggle and create far better results…

And the three step process NOT included in “The Secret”… follow it and you will immediately and permanently raise your level of awareness in many areas of your life which will attract a far greater flow of wealth and riches…

Master Secret #6: Dissolve Personality Filter flow blockers…
In a world where you must interact with others, your precise personality DNA will pinpoint exactly how to attract the maximum money, wealth and riches…
Here is a startling realization… as human beings we are anatomically the same but we are NOT wired the same inside… And no matter how much knowledge you have, and despite all the best intentions in the world… you will at times sabotage yourself in non-conscious ways – thanks to your personality filter “flow blockers”…
Each of us filters information and reacts to the world through a lens of perception called a personality filter, or our personality DNA. Because this is the way that you have always seen the world, you are often unaware that it is a perception unique to yourself.
It is so ingrained it has become transparent to you…
Developed as a result of genetic predisposition, early childhood environment and reinforced through your experiences and self-talk – your personality filter or DNA can create many problems in your interaction with others – and in how you perceive information.
This also explains why most self-development courses don’t work – they speak to a common denominator – a sort of average type. But in reality there is no average person – each has their own individual personality filter or DNA.
As part of the Rich Mind Life Strategy Master Secret #6, you will also discover in great depth:

How your personality filter colors how you process and react to information… is responsible for your habitual focus of attention… and most importantly, is at the root of what motivates your future actions and results…

The eight key components of your individual personality filter – including how it limits your beliefs, shapes your thinking and behavior, creates your greatest strengths, but also blocks the flow of wealth and riches…

…once you’ve identified your own blind spots and flow blockers – Rich Mind Life Strategy shows you how to remove them to ma

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