Richard Lindner – Email Marketing Mastery


Become a Certified Email Marketing Master
Discover the proven plan for effortless, automated email marketing that generates AT LEAST 200% more sales from the list you already have (even if it’s tiny)
What You’ll Learn
The Perfect Promotional Calendar
Develop a 30 and 90-day promotional calendar that, when done correctly, results in revenue and engagement to hockey stick straight up! Once you have collected your assets and understand the key concepts, you can create short-term and long-term rolling calendars.
4 Magic Questions
Answer these 4 “magic” questions before you ever start writing an email to set your campaign up for success. As long as you can answer these 4 questions you will know how to write an email that establishes you as an authority in your industry and builds a bond with your list.
Points of Belief
Think about exactly who you’re writing to and exactly why they may want to buy—why do they care what you have to say? Once you are able to define the desired end result, you will be able to develop a journey through your email copy that takes the customer from where they are… to where they want to be by using your product or service.
3 Categories of Emails
Learn how and when to use the 3 different categories of email campaigns—transactional, relational, or promotional. Choosing the correct category will ensure that you’re emailing your prospects with the correct messaging! (This is how to send multiple campaigns and offers without BURNING your email list.)
Become a Certified Email Marketing Master & Learn How to Generate the Highest ROI of ANY Marketing Strategy in Your Business…
Create the PERFECT promotional calendar for your business… (Do this right and you’ll see revenue AND engagement hockey stick straight up!)

Ensure your emails actually make it to the inbox… (HINT: practice poor list hygiene and your deliverability will suffer)

Use proven tricks to get MORE opens and MORE clicks from even your most engaged and loyal subscribers…

Learn which goals and metrics you should be tracking on a day-to-day basis to measure your Email Marketing success…

List “CPR”… How to clean and revive your dead (or nearly dead) email lists and get them opening and clicking again!

Discover the 4 “magic” email copywriting questions (and why answering 4 simple questions will practically write your email copy for you)

Queue the Click: 6 psychological tricks to get your subscribers primed and ready to click the links in your emails

3 segmentation strategies that actually work and ensure that you’re only emailing your perfect prospects! (This is how to send multiple campaigns and offers without BURNING out your email list)
Our brand new interface makes it easy for you to navigate and consume the content and track your progress on the way to becoming an Email Marketing Master
The 2 most important questions to answer before triggering ANY campaign to a new subscriber (Get this wrong and the next button they click could be Unsubscribe… or worse—Spam)
Email Indoctrination: The perfect welcome email campaign to start building real relationships with your new subscribers and turning them from strangers into friends

Campaign Mapping: How to find and duplicate your most successful marketing campaigns (so you always know what you’re promoting and when you’re promoting it)

The only 4 reasons people buy from you (and how to leverage them to generate more sales from your email marketing efforts)

The 9 sneaky tricks that triple your email open rates (and when to use them)

Campaign Creation: The 5 types of email campaigns you should be using in your business (and how to Storyboard and craft each one)

3 must-use tools to monitor your email deliverability (and make sure you’re getting into the inbox)
Course Details
Module 1
The Role of Email Marketing
Lesson 1: Meet Your Instructor

Lesson 2: The Role of Email Marketing

Lesson 3: THREE Different “Types” of Emails

Lesson 4: The TWO Send Types

Lesson 5: Email Marketing & List Building
Module 2
Creating Your Marketing Calendar
Lesson 1: The Role of Your Marketing Calendar

Lesson 2: Gathering Promotional Assets

Lesson 3: Creating Your 30 Day Calendar

Lesson 4: Creating Your 90 Day Calendar
Module 3
Email Campaign Creation
Lesson 1: Email Campaigns Explained

Lesson 2: Storyboarding Your Indoctrination Campaign

Lesson 3: CASE STUDY: DigitalMarketer

Lesson 4: Storyboarding Your Engagement Campaign

Lesson 5: Storyboarding Your Ascension Campaign

Lesson 6: Storyboarding Your Consumption Campaign

Lesson 7: Crafting a Upsell Campaign

Lesson 8: Storyboarding Your Segmentation Campaign

Lesson 9: CASE STUDY: Best Buy

Lesson 10: CASE STUDY: Kate Spade

Lesson 11: Storyboarding Your Re-Engagement Campaign

Lesson 12 CASE STUDY: DigitalMarketer Re-Engagement Campaign

Lesson 13: CASE STUDY: DigitalMarketer Win Back Campaign
Module 4
Email Copywriting & Design
Lesson 1: Harvesting Proven Sales Copy

Lesson 2: The FOUR Reasons People Buy

Lesson 3: Points of Belief

Lesson 4: Crafting Your Subject Lines

Lesson 5: Crafting Your Body Copy

Lesson 6: Queuing the Click
Module 5
Optimizing Opens & Clicks
Lesson 1: Getting More Opens

Lesson 2: Getting More Clicks
Module 6
Tracking & Measuring Results
Lesson 1: Benchmarking Your Results

Lesson 2: What to Track & When To Track it!

Lesson 3: DEMO: Email Stats Tracking Sheet
Module 7
Email Deliverability
Lesson 1: 3 Ways to Prove You’re NOT a Spammer

Lesson 2: Your Mailer Reputation

Lesson 3: Your Sender Infrastructure

Lesson 4: Your Subscriber Engagement

Lesson 5: Monitoring & Tracking Deliverability
What You’ll Get
When you enroll today, you’ll receive instant access to:
The Email Marketing Mastery Course

7 Core Modules

46 Video Lessons

4 Handouts

7 Quizzes (one for each module)
Plus, upon successful completing of the course and all exams you will also receive:
A badge designating you as a Certified Email Marketing Specialist that can be hosted on your website, email signature and LinkedIn profile.

A digital, printable certificate suitable for framing