Colin Keeley – How to Buy a Small Business


Getting Started
Why Buy then Build
Setting Up a Legal Entity (US)
Choosing Your Niche
Q&A: Do I Search Solo or With a Partner?
Q&A: Do I Need a Technical Co-Founder?
Q&A: Uneven Capital Contributions with a Partner
Sourcing Overview
Dealflow Sources – List of Marketplaces, Brokers, etc.
Proprietary Sourcing: List Building & Emailing Guide
Outbound Email Scripts
Paying Finder’s Fees
Building Outbound Target List Example Live
Building Outbound Target List Notes
Outbound Acquisition Targets Template
How to Find a Local Business to Buy
Live Sourcing Session + Q&A
Qualitative Diligence
Qualitative Deal Analysis Template
Financial / Quantitative Diligence
Financial Terms to Know
Financial Model Template (Quantitative Deal Analysis)
Due Diligence Questions
Legal Templates – NDA, LOI, APA, etc.
Diligence Checklist (Asset Sale)
Diligence Checklist (Equity Sale)
Due Diligence Q&A
Good Reasons for Selling
Green & Red Flags in a Deal
Live Deal Analysis & Growth Planning
Q&A: How Do I Protect Myself Against Fraud?
Valuation & Negotiation
Negotiation Walkthrough
Negotiation Flowchart
Valuing a Business
How to Value a Software Business
Revenue vs Profit Multiples
Valuation by Company Size
Managing Seller Expectations
Negotiation & Deal Structure Q&A
Deal Breakdown: Ottomatik
Deal Breakdown: Scout
Margin of Safety
SaaS at a Low Price
Q&A: Seller Wants a Crazy High Price. How to Talk Them Down?
Q&A: Should I Renegotiate After Learning Something in Diligence?
Q&A: How Do You Value a Business With No Revenue?
Q&A: How Do You Factor Technical Debt Into Your Valuation?
Q&A: How Do I Buy a Cash-Heavy Business?
Q&A: Should I Make a Deposit for the LOI?
Q&A: Should I Personally Guarantee a Seller Note?
Financing & Closing
Structuring a Deal
Structuring a Deal with Outside Investors
How to Find Investors
Building a Track Record
Real Sample PE Deal Structures
Transfer Worksheet Template Walkthrough
Asset & Login Transfer Template
Closing Mechanics & Escrow
General Transition Guide
How to Get a SBA Loan
How to Get Non-Dilutive Acquisition Financing (Guest Lecture)
SBA Loan for SaaS
Asset Purchase vs Equity Purchase
Planning to Exit
Financial Modeling for an Acquisition Deal (Guest Lecture)
Hiring & Managing Developers / Product Team
Hiring SEO Writers
SEO Writer Sample Job Description & Form
Constellation Software – Largest SaaS HoldCo
Minimizing Taxes on Exit
Structuring a Holding Company
Finding Your Competitive Advantage
Q&A: Should All Companies Be Separate or Together?
Q&A: Berkshire Inspired Private Equity Models  
Partner Deals & Discounts
Supercharge Your Growth
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