
Julia Taylor – WP Rockstar

Original price was: ₹124,251.00.Current price is: ₹5,040.00.


What You Get:
Phase One
(Estimated time to complete: 30 days)
Master Your DJ scratch Tech Skills
In this module, you’ll get introduced to basic HTML, CSS, and WordPress skills, so you can:

Build HTML pages
Add basic and extra styles using CSS
Install Local and WordPress
Practice the block editor
BONUSES:HTML & CSS Cheat sheets, code files, templates & checklists
BRAND NEW FOR 2023:Kadence Blocks tutorials

Introvert’s Pre-launch Marketing Blueprint
You’ll walk away from this module with the confidence that you can:

Set attainable goals (not too small and not too big)
Set boundaries with the intention of holding them
Create revenue goals that align with your season of life, skills, and experience
Get laser-like precision on your ideal client avatar
Stop worrying about choosing the “wrong” ICA (I’ll show you how to avoid some classic mistakes)
Defeat imposter syndrome, fear of judgment, and feel 100% safe to show up as an entrepreneur
Get the word out about your business
BONUSES:Your Why Workbook, Goal Setting Workbook, Client Avatar Workbook, UVP Workbook, templates, swipe files, checklists & more

Starting Your Business (some adulting required)
The kind of elusive “adulting” that’s insanely productive.
At the end of this module you’ll:

Determine your business name
Purchase a domain
Create your social media profile/s
Choose a business structure
Set up the proper bank account/s and payment processor/s
Secure an EIN
File proper paperwork with state
BONUSES:Biz Setup checklists, swipe files & blueprints

Build Your First (or next) WordPress Website
Roll up your sleeves and get ready to build.
At the end of this module you’ll:

Explore themes, homepage setup, and how to install WooCommerce
Complete your WordPress build using our Zero to WP Hero framework, including access to 6 Premium WordPress themes (that you can’t buy anywhere else)you can use for your own site or client sites (as many times as you want)
Take your website from local to live (scary but exciting!)
BONUSES:Theme files & checklists

Phase Two
(Estimated time to complete: 30 – 60 days)
Pricing, Packaging, and Offers
Make the “business stuff” in your business glide, like Frozen on Ice, without Marshmallow (aka the snow monster, aka the mind gremlins) chasing you.
In this module you’ll:

Discover your special sauce and what makes you different from Fiverr, Upwork & other “WP peeps”
Avoid face-palm moments so you can effortlessly close sales calls
Put on your big girl (or boy) boundary pants so you can navigate client projects like a pro
Price your offers without breaking into hives…or armpit sweats
Understand how to set up contracts and agreements
Create a compelling, resistance-melting offers
Learn how to create strong digital marketing assets so clients know exactly what you do (i.e. your website copy, emails, SEO, FB ads, and operating systems)
BONUSES:Pricing Workbook, templates, swipe files, checklists, blueprints & more

Marketing Your Business
(more than just making a random Facebook announcement)
Get the word out about your business when you’ll complete this module:

How to get socially famous (and hired)
How to use organic methods to get clients knocking at your (digital) doors
How to use paid advertising…and profit from it
Introverts rejoice:you’ll learn how to use your strong relationship skills to make inroads in desirable networks, make connections with podcast hosts, and turn on the faucet for referrals
BONUSES:Marketing strategy spreadsheet, checklists & blueprints

Rockstar Workflow (work it, Rockstar)
Run your business like a well-oiled machine when you manage 5 critical project management phases using ClickUp (this is a bananas-insane update that’s akin to Bono crooning “The Sweetest Thing”)
You’ll use your ClickUp template to:

Manage, maintain, get on sales calls, and follow up with leads (yes, we’ll show you how to lead sales call like a pro, even if you’ve never sold anything before)
Send and track proposals for website builds, quickly and on the regular (using a proven, high-converting template and swipe files – like our favorite cake mix, nothing’s from scratch ‘round these parts)
Forge airtight client contracts to protect your bottomline (and bottom)
Create a seamless client onboarding & offboarding systems (a.k.a. the key to attracting future high-quality leads)
Get paid with streamlined payment tools/invoice processing software (you’ll have the option to use free or paid tools)
Control your website builds, keep track of your progress, and not lose your mind in the process (or other “buggy” details)
BONUSES:Rockstar Workflow ClickUp template, swipe files & checklists

Phase Three
(Estimated time to complete: 30 – 90 days)
WordPress Ecosystem (no plants required)
Time to build on your basic WordPress skills and expand your repertoire.
In this GOLDmine of a module you’ll understand:

The differences (and similarities) to the old, current and new WordPress
Themes, plugins, page builders… oh my!
De-clutter & Demystify all the WordPress ingredients
Why Full Site Editing is the new black (ie the new WordPress), so if you want to be ahead of the curve (no one likes change), we’ve got you covered
BONUSES:WP Ecosystem checklists & templates

PRE-BUILD: Set Yourself Up for Success
You’ll perform a pre-build for a successful site.

From the initial design & wireframe all the way to website copy, we’ll walk you through how to have what you need before you start building
How to use organic methods to get clients knocking at your (digital) doors
BONUSES:Design & wireframe templates, checklists & more

Probably the most exciting module (I’m biased). It’s time to build your WordPress website.
In this advanced module, you’ll:

Understand what it means to host on a local versus a sub-domain
Dive deep into Full Site Editing and be ahead of the curve compared to other WordPress ‘experts’
Check for mobile responsiveness (ie does it look good on a phone)
BONUSES:Full Site Editing checklists & workbook
BRAND NEW FOR 2023:Updated tutorials on Full Site Editing

Your WordPress site is not ready for the world until it passes the quality assurance checks.
Here’s how you’ll make that happen with the help of this module:

Ensure Quality Assurance checks for mobile responsiveness. Accessibility, speed plus a host of other features
Migrate your clients site with perfection (without getting sweaty)
Discover the world of WordPress hosting, including BIG discounts from two of the biggest WordPress hosting providers
Understand WordPress maintenance and malware and how to offer services for recurring monthly revenue
BONUSES:Hosting discounts (for WP Rockstar® students only), QA checklist, migration blueprint & more

In this final module, you’ll learn how to use Google to support your WordPress site.

Google analytics – get this set up on your clients site so they understand where their site traffic is coming from
Google search console – measure how your (or client’s) content is being found by search engines
Google My Business – use this as an added bonus when finalizing your clients sites so they’re found locally on Google Maps
BONUSES:Google checklists & workbooks