Josh Hall – Web Design Business Course

Are you a web designer wanting to build your own freelance web design business?
This is your course!
It’s your fast track to building a profitable, sustainable, successful web design business.
Learn the ins and outs of building a 6-figure web design business
Learn how to get better clients and raise your pricing
Gain the freedom to work when, where and how you want
Avoid the hassle of creating your own contracts, proposals, questionnaires & scripts
Avoid piece-mealing your business together with random, scattered resources
Avoid years of wasted time, energy and money by learning lessons the hard way on your own
This course is for:
If you’re just starting out and don’t know where to begin, this course will help you build a successful web design business from the ground up.
Side Hustlers
If you have a part time web design business or side hustle and want to take it full time, this course will empower you to make that leap to full time freelancer.
If you’re already a full time web design freelancer but want to build a true web design business, this course will help take you to the next level.
Course Overview
All lessons are videos accompanied by written posts, links and additional resources. The course contains 6 main modules with 30 lessons & 32 videos at 12 + total hours of video. Additional trainings & webinars contain 5 lessons with 5 + hours of additional video training!
Module 1 – Preparing & Setting Up Your Business

How to practically prepare and set up your web design business for success:

Preparing for Your Business (22:03)
Freelancer or Entrepreneur? (24:19)
Setting Up Your Business – technical & legal (12:38)
Setting Up Your Tools – billing, invoicing, project management, etc (23:38)
Solidifying Your Services (23:14)

Module 2 – Docs, Templates & Pages

The most important documents, templates, scripts, content and resources:

Special & Hidden Website Pages (12:06)
Questionnaires (30:11)
Proposals (26:58)
Contracts (17:57)
Invoicing + Preview of my invoicing/proposal/contract process in 17hats (25:53)

Module 3 – Sales, Pricing & Getting Clients

An in-depth look at solidifying your pricing, how to sell, how to get clients, how to weed out the bad, etc:

Pricing Pt 1: Pricing Rates, Models & Stuctures (33:36)
Pricing Pt 2: Solidifying Your Pricing (28:55 + 3:08)
Sales (38:42)
Getting Clients (42:00)
Funneling & Weeding Out (24:46)

Module 4 – Onboarding & Project Management

A look at how to onboard clients and effective strategies to avoid scope creep, hit deadlines and manage projects:

Onboarding Clients & Getting Started (25:34)
Collecting Content (31:53 + 12:16)
Managing Projects (15:42)
Managing (Multiple) Projects (20:25)
Avoiding Scope Creep (16:46)

Module 5 – Revisions, Client Training & Off Boarding

A look at how to handle client feedback/revisions, effectively train/empower your clients and how to make clients for life:

Previewing Your Designs (19:55)
Handling Revisions/Feedback (16:46)
Training & Empowering Clients (22:29)
Off Boarding, Moving Forward & Wrapping Projects Up (18:21)

Module 6 – Growing Your Business

Learn how to promote your work, retain clients, add new revenue sources, raise your rates and get better clients to help grow your business:

Promoting Your Work (27:26)
Getting Testimonials & Reviews (25:35)
Adding Recurring Revenue Streams (33:26)
Getting Repeat Work (26:25)
Raising Your Rates (30:00)
Getting Better Clients (26:59)

Module 7 – Downloads & Resources

Resources and implementation tools that you can apply to your business immediately:

Client Roadmap Checklist (32:49)
Josh’s Business Divi Child Theme
Course Links & Additional Resources

Module 8 – Webinars & Additional Training

These are the current additional trainings to come once course is launched and will be a training followed by a Q&A then archieved in the course:

How I Landed my First 15K project (57:15)
What I Learned going from $12k to 6-figures Per Year (58:21)
Staying Balanced and Profitable as a One-Man Shop (53:25)
Going from “Me” to “We” – Scaling Your Business Pt. 1 (57:38)
Building a Remote Team – Scaling Your Business Pt. 2 (1:12:36)