Justin Welsh – Idea Audience Proof Product -The Side Income Playbook

What You Get:
Section 1: Course Context

Introduction: Meet the Instructor, Background & Expectations (9:42)

Section 2: The Mindset for Building Online

Chapter 1: Play the Long Game (7:11)
Chapter 2: Knowledge Blindness (5:29)
Chapter 3: Overcome your fear (4:29)
Chapter 4: Meet 4.66B Prospects (4:43)
Chapter 5: The New Rules of Internet Money (3:28)

Section 3: Idea

Chapter 6: How to Ideate (7:37)
Chapter 7: A Niche of One Part 1 (8:45)
Chapter 8: The Background (4:07)
Chapter 9: The Transformation (9:34)

Section 4: Audience

Chapter 10: Moneyball (10:49)
Chapter 11: The Profile Funnel (10:08)
Chapter 12: Rapid Relevant Creation (15:22)
Chapter 13: The Scroll Test (11:20)
Chapter 14: The Art of the Capture (9:39)
Chapter 15: The Distribution Network (8:04)

Section 5: Proof

Chapter 16: A Niche of One Part 2 (5:07)
Chapter 17: Building an MVP Service Business (8:13)
Chapter 18 Part 1: Service Automation (5:25)
Chapter 18 Part 2: Behind The Scenes of Automation (10:45)
Chapter 19: F.I.T.I. (14:09)

Section 6: Product

Chapter 20: Move Fast & Cheap (12:39)
Chapter 21: Building in Gumroad (7:04)
Chapter 22: Creating a Compelling Launch (11:54)

Section 7: What’s Next?

Chapter 23: What’s Next? (2:58)