
DTC Scale School – Facebook & Instagram Ads

Original price was: ₹82,585.00.Current price is: ₹4,680.00.


What You Get:
Module 1 – Foundations For Scale
✔︎ Brand & Competitor Analysis
✔︎ Knowing Your Customer & Your Market
✔︎ Metrics That Matter & Why
✔︎ Customer Journey & Messaging
✔︎ Facebook Pixel Strategy
Module 2 – Creatives That Convert
✔︎ Insights Into Creatives That Convert
✔︎ Fast & Furious Creatives
✔︎ Polished Creatives
Module 3 – The Pilothouse 6-Step Strategy For Maximizing Profitability From Your Campaigns
Step 1 – Find Your Top 5 Angles
Step 2 – Copy + Angle Testing
Step 3 – Analyze Data and Uncover Your Winners
Step 4 – Identifying Creatives Needed
Step 5 – Audience Testing
Step 6 – Consolidate Winners Into Scale Campaigns
Module 4 – Strategies For Scale
✔︎ Attribution & The Eco ROAS
✔︎ Bidding Types & When to Use Them
✔︎ Horizontal Scale Strategies
✔︎ Split Testing Pages & Funnels
✔︎ Split Testing Creatives & Copy
✔︎ Influencer & Whitelisting
✔︎ Budget Management & The Scaling Mindset
Module 5 – How to Build a Powerhouse Marketing Team
✔︎ When Should You Hire an Agency & What Should You Look For
✔︎ How to Hire Good Marketers
✔︎ How to Align Your Internal & External Marketing Teams
✔︎ Company Culture
Bonus Video – Navigating The Digital Landscape Post iOS15.
✔︎ What we are doing to mitigate iOS
✔︎ Ecosystem ROAS across all platforms
✔︎ Attribution