
Kevin Rogers – CopyChief Anniversary Full Suite 2022

Original price was: ₹73,704.00.Current price is: ₹4,440.00.


What You Get:
Core Copy Skills
Learn the fundamental skills needed to confidently create any and all pieces of persuasive copy including research, storytelling, and more!

Big Idea Copywriting w/ Todd Brown
The Promise-ability Matrix w/ David Deutsch
How To Find, Study, and Reverse-Engineer Winning Copy Controls w/ April Dykman
The Halbert Research Method w/ Bond Halbert
The Long-Form Sales Letter w/ Henry Bingaman
The Advanced Copy Creation Blueprint w/ Kevin Rogers
And more!

Freelancer Skills
As entrepreneurs, there are also fundamental business and marketing challenges we face. That’s why we’ve created a place specifically for the business side of freelancing. Access special “on the job” trainings and chat with professional freelancers to get help managing clients, projects, and business operations. You’ll learn how to launch, grow, and manage your freelance business like a pro.

Establishing C.R.E.D. & Raising your Fees w/ Laura Belgray
Heroic Project Management w/ Abbey Woodcock
3 Paths For Successful Freelance Copywriting w/ Kevin
Make Sales Your Strength w/ Casey Stanton
The Freelancer’s Journey w/ Rachel Mazza
Landing Your Dream Gig w/ Kevin Rogers
And more!

Copywriting Money Skills
Copywriting “Money Skills” are the skills that directly increase sales for your own products, or make you more in-demand as a freelancer. For business owners, they’re critical components of your funnel that spark a revenue injection. For freelancers, they’re the most in-demand skills business owners need and ask for every day.

Email Copywriting w/ Chris Orzechowski
Facebook Ad Copywriting w/ Mike Rinard
Advertorial Pre-sale page Copywriting w/ Rachel Mazza
And more!

Copywriting Crash Course
New to the world of direct response copywriting? This Copywriting Crash Course will help you build and practice your skills quickly so you can confidently deliver great copy that works. At the end of this course, you’ll have everything you need to confidently wear the badge of “professional copywriter” – plus a real portfolio with relevant samples that you can show to clients who are looking for copywriters with your new skills.

Copywriting 101 w/ Kevin Rogers
The Sales Letter Research Method w/ Mike Schauer
The 4×6 Copywriting Formula w/ Kevin Rogers
And more!

Guest Experts and Copywriting Legends
Top industry experts and marketing legends teach these exclusive workshops you won’t get anywhere else. You’ll learn from the best in the business like John Carlton, Todd Brown, Laura Belgray, Todd Herman, Dean Jackson, Parris Lampropoulos, David Deutsch, Marcella Allison, and many more

The Depths of Your Buyer’s Mind w/ Parris Lampropoulos
21 Rules For High-Caliber Copywriting w/ Mike Ward
The Joy of “No” – Creating Boundaries w/ Laura Belgray
Behind The Control w/ Dan Ferrari
21 Rules For High-Caliber Copywriting w/ Mike Ward
Deep Dive Sales Page w/ Ryan Levesque
How to Scale Your Business to 7 Figures w/ James Schramko
The 16-Word Sales Letter w/ Evaldo Albuquerque
Tapping Into your Greatest Superpower w/ Marcella Allison
How to easily open conversations and close deals without high-pressure sales tactics or hard-selling w/ Dean Jackson
Rhythm in Writing w/ John Carlton
Personal Branding That Can’t Be Ignored w/ Mike Michalowicz
Plus trainings with other industry-leading experts like Tom Breeze, Keith Krance, David Deutsch, Todd Herman, And more!