
Max Van Collenburg – ActiveCampaign Mastery

Original price was: ₹41,500.00.Current price is: ₹4,650.00.


What’s Included?
Over 8 hours of in-depth marketing strategies & automation tutorials.
Stage 1 – Your Strategy
Why do most businesses suck at marketing? Because they don’t have a solid strategy.
In this stage, you’ll get clarity on what kind of funnel works best for your business.
a. Define your audience
b. Segmentation

c. Value first

d. Be you
e. Your blueprint

Stage 2 – Set Up
To make things easy, we’ll first prepare your ActiveCampaign account.
We’ll do some neccessary settings, but we’ll also implement handy things that will save you a lot of time.
a. Address
b. List organization
c. Handy variables
d. Email template
e. Unsubscribe link
f. Site tracking

g. Deliverability

h. Naming tags

ch. Organized custom fields

Stage 3 – The Foundation
I created an automation foundation that works for any kind of online business.
In this stage, you’ll learn the best way to deliver a lead magnet, how to onboard new contacts, how to tell your story, and how to get people excited.
a. Opt-In & Self Segmentation
b. Download Delivery
c. Master Automation Handler
d. Onboarding

e. Evergreen Newsletter

f. List Cleaner

Stage 4 – Build Trust
People buy from people they trust. It’s the most important thing in marketing.
In this stage, we’ll cover everything about building trust by sharing value first.
a. Free Email Course
b. Free Video Course
c. Free Challenge

d. Live webinars

e. Automated Webinars

f. Coaching Calls


Stage 5 – Sell Effectively
Learn how to sell without being sleazy.
You’ll learn how to overcome common objections & how to create authentic urgency that gets people to grab their wallet now
(instead of tomorrow… or never)

a. Limited-Time Offers

b. Evergreen Promotions

Save time with 25 importable automations
You’ll get access to over 25 advanced ActiveCampaign Automations, which you can import & change to your own needs.
Each automation comes with detailed lessons that explain how they work and how you can implement them for your business.
Some examples:

Personalized Onboarding
Download Delivery
Master Automation Handler
Evergreen Promotion Handler
Evergreen Newsletter
Interactive Email Course
Adaptive Challenge
Evergreen Limited-Time Offers
Live & Automated Webinars
Engagement Tracker

Checklists, Blueprints & Spreadsheets
Besides all the ActiveCampaign Automations, you’ll also get access to many checklists, blueprints, and Google Sheets to help you be successful with this course.