
Joe McCall – Simple Lease Options

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Joe McCall Workshop Testimonial Video

Faith Corner

Let me just say that I am constantly amazed by Jesus Christ and how awesome He is. He has literally changed my life – forever. I am FAR from perfect (as if you really needed me to tell you that). But despite all the mistakes I have made and how often I fail, I know that because of His grace He’s made me clean. I am a new person. He has justified me – making me “just as if I’d” never sinned. I don’t deserve His mercy. I was once an enemy of God. But now I am His friend. And really… not just His friend, but His adopted son. It’s truly humbling if you stop and think about it. I get the grace. He gets the glory.

For a real simple website that explains everything I am talking about.

Also, check out these videos by my buddy, Greg Laurie. God bless!