
Kristen Boss – Social Selling Academy

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹6,000.00.



It’s just that you haven’t been taught how to do effective organic marketing that attracts people to YOU. You’ve been taught to market to the masses- and I’m going to tell you a secret- that doesn’t work! You cannot apply ancient corporate America marketing strategies to an organic, relational platform. What worked in this industry 2 years ago is no longer relevant. You can’t throw up a post everyday and hope for business to come along.
This is exactly why I created The Social Selling Academy- the lifetime premium coaching program for today’s social seller and network marketer.
After building a seven figure business online and getting trained by some of the top experts in the industry- I decided to teach today’s network marketer the exact organic marketing, sales strategies, and the MINDSET framework that is required to achieve the results you want- IN LESS TIME.

My clients get results while feeling deeply aligned and more purposeful than ever, without burning themselves out and hustling 24/7
They don’t feel gross, spammy, or inauthentic- and they hit their highest sales and recruitment months- without spending hours chatting strangers up in the DM’s all day. Without begging people to join their organization or try their products. They wake up with people messaging THEM asking about their product and business. They constantly have a funnel filled with qualified leads. They know how to warm up a cold audience and convert them into paying, loyal, life-time customers.
No more confusion. No more overwhelm. No more spinning your wheels wondering what your next steps are. It’s simple. And I’ll show you how inside THE SOCIAL SELLING ACADEMY.