
Phoebe Khun – Human Design For Business

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹5,250.00.


In this book you’ll learn…

What the Human Design System is & the Quantum Physics of how it works on a subatomic particle level (the science of energy, not just woo-woo concepts that can’t be explained or quantified)

The 10 core areas of business that you can start practically applying your unique Human Design to right now in order to create unexplainable magnetism, impact and flow

The secret key to unlocking the highest expression of your unique genius and embodying your energetic brand to attract your soul mate clients with ease and grace

How to create content and market with your signature marketing archetype, so you can craft magnetic messaging that actually resonates with your audience


This book is for you if…

You already have a business, and are making a full-time income from it, but sometimes things feel forced

You look at other coaches and entrepreneurs in your space and ask yourself, “How are they making this look so easy, and fun?!”

You want to know how to get effective results without feeling like you have to hustle 24/7 (it’s time to ditch the 50+ hour work weeks and work smarter, not harder)

You are ready to experiment & play in your business. Not just use learning another tool as a means of procrastination

You understand that intuition and energy play a pivotal role in the process of building a business that sparks inspiration, passion and allows you to be in your absolute mastery

WHILE also understanding that energetics & alignment alone aren’t enough to make revenue, you need the skills to back them up (coaching, copywriting, marketing, selling, offer creation…)

Talking about only one thing – your niche – has left you completely uninspired and unmotivated to show up

Every “expert strategy” you’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked for you and now you’re thinking about burning it all to the ground

Well, all that is about to change

In the Human Design for Business book, you’ll learn how I leveraged my Human Design to transform from the version of me that wrote copy for $75 per article in 2019, ready to walk away from it all, to becoming the woman who made $1.2m transforming hundreds of lives. 
This 80 page book will show you how to build a business and brand in a way that feels good based on your unique blueprint and the 10 core areas of business that you can apply your design to right away. You’ll learn how to build a brand, market your business, and find the workflow that unlocks your genius. 
If you’re tired of making decisions from a place of self-doubt, not really knowing what the “right” path is, the Human Design For Business book will help you unlock the secrets of your Human Design, release the resistance surrounding your business, and see that success is inevitable when you follow your unique blueprint.
By connecting to the principles inside this book, you’ll finally understand how aligning with your design creates a current of energy that flows seamlessly, which makes us excited to show up, attracts our dream clients to us, and makes business fun again.
It’s time to throw out the “expert” strategies you’ve collected and stop outsourcing your power, not fully trusting that you actually already have the answers.
(HINT: you’re one magical being and

the answers are inside of you)

Get your copy of The Human Design for Business Book now.