
Samar Owais – eCommerce Email Bootcamp

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹4,500.00.


The eCommerce Email Bootcamp is for you if ecommerce emails feel like a coded message that you just can’t crack.
In just 12 weeks, you’ll learn:
The conversion principles of eCommerce Emails Done Right
The different email sequences (and emails) an eCommerce business needs
How to write copy for eCommerce emails and wireframe them
How to audit an email sequence to boost conversions and increase sales
The ins and outs of creating an email strategy
The client deliverables you need to look like a pro
And sooooo much more!

Ever wonder what it takes to write eCommerce emails that get your clients those brag-worth numbers?

$60k in a 3-day promotion…
$150k+ in 3 months…
30% of total revenue from email… 
What would your copywriting business look like if you could show prospective eCommerce clients’ results like these?
Would you still be questioning your skills, knowledge, and talent?
Or would you be showing up on client calls like a boss knowing in your bones that you can:

boost their email sales,
increase their average order value, and
fix the money leaking gaps in their email sequences?

And when it comes to talking rates… would you trip over saying you charge $500/email… $8500/email sequence… $25k/email project…
Or would you quote them with confidence knowing your client will more than recoup the cost within 30 days of your emails going live?