
Bill Bronchick (LegalWiz) – Buying Properties Subject To

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹4,500.00.


Financing rental properties have become more and more difficult for real estate investors. Many give up when they’ve been told, “no” by banks, while a few savvy investor us “OPM” – OTHER PEOPLE’S MORTGAGES! That means, buying a property SUBJECT TO the existing mortgage loan.
Think you need to qualify for financing? Think again! Are you tired of buying properties the conventional way, qualifying for loans and putting down 20% or more as down payments? Do you want to buy more rentals or other income properties without having to step foot into a bank or mortgage company and with little or no money out of pocket? If so, you want to learn the lucrative buying “subject to” strategy for buying houses.
Learn My Proven System and Build a

Prosperous Retirement QUICKLY!
Most novice investors buy one or two properties a year because of the down payment and credit requirements of the big lenders. Savvy investors pick up a property EVERY MONTH by buying subject to the existing loan, helping out a seller who JUST WANTS OUT of his property. That’s right, there are many homeowners who are facing foreclosure, behind in payments or just can’t afford to make the payments on their houses anymore. They are ready to away and let the bank foreclosure, ruining their credit for years – until you come along, take over the payments, take over the property and save them from a bad foreclosure, while at the same time, acquiring a house with little or no money that you can rent out for positive cash flow!
The real estate market is rising in many places, and it’s a sellers’ market. That means finding deals are harder, which means you have to learn how to think, “Outside the box” to pick up good bargains. But, anything you buy on the way up will reap you big rewards in the long run.
Just think…at today’s bargain prices (which may not last long), just one or two GOOD DEALS can fund your kids’ college at the finest university! Instead of student loans, imagine sending your kids to school anywhere in the country, and price is no object! This would take a load of stress off you, wouldn’t it?
Those who get in NOW will prosper. Those who don’t will lose out on this great opportunity! It may not come again for 10 years, and you will be kicking yourself if you have kids that are 8 years or older! Don’t wait, my friend, because this opportunity won’t last for long!
The Right Experience Will Make You Money
Amateur investors lose money and get lousy deals because they simply don’t know how to put together these types of deals. Amateur investors who don’t learn how to play the game get fewer deals closed, smaller checks, and eventually they give up. Most real estate brokers don’t even bother trying, simply because they, too, don’t know what to do!
As you read this, you obviously can see the huge opportunity for making a KILLING over the next year in your market. This is truly a “ground floor” opportunity to learn a skill that will put tens of thousands of dollars into your pocket every single month with little or no risk. You have nothing to lose, except the opportunity to make a bundle, but first, you have to learn how the buying subject to system works!
This is why an investment in proper training is worth its weight in 24 CARAT GOLD. Just one good deal could put $10,000 or MORE into your pocket.
What Makes this Program So Different?
Ok, fair question. First, I am actually DOING real estate investing, and have thousands of transactions under my belt. Most of the so-called “experts” have done few deals or haven’t done a deal in recent history, so their advice is outdated or ineffective.
Second, this is a Real “Meat and Potatoes” program. This is not a “teaser”, but real, solid, practical information. There’s no “B.S.” (“bait and switch” or “big sales pitch”). You will learn the specific mechanics of buying “subject to” existing mortgages You will get a detailed workbook explaining all of the legal and tax angles. You will learn how to negotiate and engineer the deals. The forms alone would cost you $1,000 or more if prepared by an attorney (assuming you could even find one knowledgeable enough to understand these concepts!).