
Cat Howell – Resonance Rituals 2023

Original price was: ₹26,560.00.Current price is: ₹9,000.00.


You Are Vibrational Phenomena

Both the antenna and signal
You can have fun with the resonances of reality.
If you don’t have the things you want,
It’s because you don’t match its frequency
Advanced methods for manifestation
Rituals To create ripples
Live five-Day workshop

Learn to Master the Signal

The more you desire it, the easier it is to slip through your fingers
The more confidence you lose, the worse it is.
You start to believe that you don’t have what it takes.
To turn what you desire into a reality
The freedom, money, love, and clarity.
Every stone is worth its weight, but you always end up empty-handed.
However, everyone around seems to have cracked this code.
You might be able to change or fix this or remove some blocks.
It might then be yours.
You read the books, take the courses, buy the crystals, launch and relaunch, then sit in the therapy chairs until you are free from limiting beliefs.
It only gets worse.
Tires spinning in the mud
You can rest assured that the scramble ends here
Because you’ve forgotten about yourself.
You, my friend are a master magician
Whose instrument are the vibrational chords in the universe?
This master storyteller is here to bring out the reality resonance.
Learn how to create the ripples and tune in to the frequency.
Five days of alchemy to reach your highest expression
We will be starting August 23rd.

Why should you? Resonance?

All around you vibrations create and shape your reality
These are what allows our clocks track time
Use musical instruments to create sounds
Playground swings reach new heights
And the ocean’s tides to come in
Resonance, a naturally occurring phenomenon, is how all waves are created – from sound to light to our technology.
You, my friend, can be the ultimate vessel of vibration.
Both the antenna and signal
More than just flesh and bone
You are far more capable than you think.
If you don’t have what you want,
This is because you don’t know your frequency.
For an activation unlike any other, join me

This Workshop is for Whom?

If you want to fulfill BIG dreams that have been elusive, then Resonance Rituals You will feel as if you are taking a deep breath of fresh air.
This is the right calibration for you if you believe the lies that you will never succeed or struggle to believe and feel the true feelings of your desires.
This workshop can help you transform the reds from reds if you’re struggling to get past your red light states (boredom pain, unfulfilment anxiety loneliness frustration confusion depression), and recognize how it is affecting your well-being and life.
If you’ve tried law of attraction, manifestation and marginal success with no results but still want to work on deeper levels in order to break through the blocks, then Resonance Rituals Is the type of kool-aide you’re looking for.
These activations will convince you that there is magic all around.

Hey, I’m Cat! I’m the author and editor of Magic Source Codes.-A renowned thought leader in alchemy for visionaries, founders and others.

My superpower lies in helping entrepreneurs and leaders cultivate wealth without sacrificing.
After achieving financial success and running multiple eight-figure companies, I was deeply depressed and trapped. My newfound health and my ability to persevere in the face of adversity are thanks to the alchemy techniques.