
Rob Andolina – REI Google Ads Accelerator

Original price was: ₹821,451.00.Current price is: ₹52,500.00.


Course Curriculum
New to Google Ads? (WATCH THIS FIRST) REI Quick
 Campaign Setups

Building a ‘Search’ Campaign From Scratch A-Z (25:10)
Building a ‘Call Only’ Campaign From Scratch A-Z (26:12)
Building a ‘Retargeting/Remarketing’ Campaign From Scratch A-Z (12:18)

CAMPAIGN STRUCTURE: How to CORRECTLY Structure Your Campaigns

Google Ads Account Hierarchy (30,000 ft View) (2:35)

Introduction to Google Ads Basics

Google Ads Account / Platform Walk-Through (3:21)
Campaign Settings OVERVIEW (4:05)
Understanding The Different Campaign Types (1:59)
Overview Of Daily Budgets And How They Work (3:20)
Understanding Location Targeting Settings (4:51)
Introduction to All Available Bidding Strategies (10:00)
Setting Up Ad Schedules (5:51)
Understanding The Different Device Bids (5:12)
Ad Extensions. What They Are, How They Work & Why You Need Them (14:55)

KEYWORDS: How to Choose Keywords That Convert

Keyword Planner 101: How to Find Keywords & Build Ad Groups (17:04)
How to Find Negative Keywords (8:55)
Keyword Match Types And How to Use Them (3:14)
Negative Keyword Match Types (2:59)
Keyword Match Type FREE Tool (1:38)

BIDDING: How to Set Your Initial Ad Group / Keyword Bids

Set Your Initial Bids For Fast Results (7:25)

QUALITY SCORE: Learning About Quality Score

How Quality Score Works (5:26)

ADS: How to Write COMPELLING Ad Copy

Writing Ad Copy And Setting Up Responsive Search Ads (12:13)

LANDING PAGES: Sending Traffic to Landing Pages

Why We Don’t Send Traffic to Main Websites / How Our Page is Structured (6:29)
Different Softwares to Make Landing Pages (3:43)

CONVERSION TRACKING: How to Set Up Your Tracking

How to Set Up ‘Contact Form’ CONV Tracking (6:40)
How to Set Up ‘Phone Call’ CONV Tracking (4:03)
How to Set Up ‘Call Extension’ CONV Tracking (3:32)
How to Set Up Call Tracking Using (3rd Party Call Tracking) (13:11)

OPTIMIZATION: How to Optimize Your Google Ads Campaigns WEEKLY

Cutting ‘Non-Converting’ Dead Weight Keywords (Done Every 30-60 Days) (2:57)
Optimizing Your Keyword Bidding (6:33)
Adding Negative Keywords Via Campaign Search Terms Report (9:14)
Adding NEW Keywords Via Campaign Search Terms Report (4:31)
Optimizing Device Bids
Optimizing Your Ad Schedule (Done Every 60-90 Days) (2:20)
Optimizing Your Location Targeting (Done Every 60-90 Days) (2:20)
Optimizing Ads (Every 90 Days) (4:09)

Common Problems You Will Face in Google Ads

Location Targeting Issues (2:53)
How to STOP Other Wholesalers From Calling You (1:48)

Full Exported Google Ads Campaigns You Can Use

How to Import Our Google Ads Campaigns (4:16)
Call Only Campaign
Search Campaign