
Rob O’Rourke – Fox Legends Program

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹4,500.00.


Here are the details:
There’s more money to be made in web design in 2024 than ever before.
Today’s web design market is worth over $40 billion in the US alone.
But outdated (and incorrect) information is sending freelancers like you in the wrong direction.
As a result, 90% of web designers out there don’t make more than a few hundred dollars per website… or per month.
Nearly 24,000 web designers build websites for under $100 on Fiverr alone.
That’s because the old way of selling web design is DEAD.
So if you want a whole new approach to selling websites, you’ll want to read every word of this letter.
Because I’m about to share with you the same system that helped me go from $0 to making over six figures with my freelance business in just six short months.
It’s the same system I’ve taught to over 1,000 other people with even more amazing results. And I am about to show them all to you.
But before I do…
I want to show you how it all started for me. So read on to see how I went from earning $200 per website (while working for a 14 year old on Upwork)…
To earning anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000+ per project, while working fewer hours and only taking on projects I love.
And how you can do this too (without any advanced coding or design skills).
After four years at university and another four years working for the same oil company, I was fired overnight because of job cuts. I decided on the spot that I would never work a regular corporate job again.

Instead, I was going to create my own income and freedom. I was going to freelance!
So I went straight to Upwork, thinking I could offer my basic web design skills online and make a good living as a freelancer.
But, like most people, I had no idea how to actually attract clients, land deals or sell my services.
In fact, my main strategy for getting clients in the beginning was to massively underprice myself so much that clients would literally have to hire me.
And it “worked”. I was now getting clients for multi-page website projects… for $80 to $150 each.
The problem? Well, apart from the fact that I was barely making any money and quickly going broke… my clients were also terrible to work for.
They would change their mind several times a day and then expect you to work around the clock to implement each new project change or idea.