[Download] Greg Kononenko & Stefan Ciancio – Board Traffic Academy (2021)


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Buy subscription with us and unlock  Greg Kononenko & Stefan Ciancio – Board Traffic Academy course today.  No more payment for gurus. Join the rest of the tribe. 

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Get Now Board Traffic Academy By Greg Kononenko & Stefan Ciancio.
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Here’s What You Get With Board Traffic Academy

6-Week Bootcamp

Complete Step-by-step Training broken into weekly objectives, 34 super-detailed videos covering every step of what you need to do to generate huge Pinterest traffic

Traffic Software

We’re including our “private circle” software that will allow you to get massive follower numbers insanely quickly, without any risk to your Pinterest account. 50-100 followers within a few days? Easy with our software!

Group Board Finder Software

This is a secret piece of technology that we only roll out to our private coaching students. For the first time ever, you will be able to access the directory of over 160,000 Pinterest Group Boards to get instant traffic from, in any niche!

Board Traffic Academy Free Download

Pin Image Software

Another piece of software we’re including is a high-quality “pin” image generation tool. Using our software, you’ll be able to produce stunning Pinterest post graphics in seconds

Objectives & Worksheets

For every week, you will know what you need to do. There are objectives and worksheets, practically forcing you to succeed and get massive traffic

Case Studies

We’re also adding real-life case studies from our own business. You will be able to see exactly how we’ve gotten traffic from Pinterest, and how we monetized it. Nothing hidden – open for you to copy and learn from.

Coaching & Mastermind Group

Get access to Stefan Ciancio and Greg Kononenko for near-instant advice and guidance. Ask questions, get answers. Don’t do it alone! We will help you with your personal situation.

Networking Group

Additionally, you will be able to network with other Pinterest marketeres and bloggers of all levels. Grow your connections, get advice, work together, learn from each other.

Sales Page: https://boardtrafficacademy.com/vip-replay/

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