[Download] James Beattie – Ecom Domination V5 (2021)


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About the course: 

James Beattie – Ecom Domination V5 Download

Generated over $2 Million in sales through Ecommerce in the last 14 Months. Taught over 28,000 students to get started and launch their E-commerce business with Six Figure and Million Dollar Students.
Class Curriculum
Week 1 V5 (NEW)
Module 1 – The Road That Lies Ahead (14:15)
Module 2 – Building The Foundation (62:11)
Module 3 – Setting Up Payment Processors (17:46)
Module 4 – Product & Order Management (20:11)
Module 5 – Increasing Customers On Your Store (14:53)
Module 6 – Increasing Your Average Order Value (16:57)
Module 7 – Increasing The Lifetime Value Of Customers (10:50)
Module 8 – Customer Support (29:12)
Week 2 – Product Research V5 (NEW)
Module 1 – Product Research & Selection Overview (29:09)
Module 2 – Product Research & Selection (29:09)
Module 3 – Product Research Methods (50:01)
Module 4 – Product Validation (16:15)
Module 5 – Writing Product Descriptions (16:46)
Module 6 – Finding Local Suppliers (24:58)
Claim Your 3 Free Products Per Day
Week 3: Facebook Ads Fundamentals
Module 1 – Facebook Ads Overview (41:51)
Module 2 – Setting Up Your Business Manager Structure (25:54)
Module 3 – Ad Types & Objectives Explained (15:11)
Module 4 – Facebook Targeting Explained (23:45)
Module 5 – Facebook Creatives & Copywriting (47:46)
Module 6 – Launching Your First Facebook Ad (32:48)
Module 7 – Analysing The Data Facebook Feeds You (41:59)
Module 8 – Launching CBO Testing Campaigns (43:17)
Week 4: Facebook Ads Advanced
Module 1 – Audiences (29:55)
Module 2 – Scaling (43:16)
Module 3 – Retargeting (26:37)
Module 4 – Manual Bidding (15:29)
Module 5 – Launching A Firestorm (Facebook Power Tools) (17:37)
Module 6 – Advanced Retargeting Strategies (12:49)
Module 7 – International Scaling System (17:22)
Module 8: Using CBOs To Scale
Module 9: Manual Bidding To Help Scale
Week 5: Email Marketing
Module 1: Email Marketing Overview (22:48)
Module 2 – Cart Abandonment Sequence (30:00)
Module 3 – New Customer Nurture Flow (21:27)
Module 4 – Advanced Email Marketing (34:14)
Week 6: Alternative Traffic Sources
Instagram #1 – How To Set Up Your Account (5:05)
Instagram #2 – How To Find Influencers (11:39)
Instagram #3 – How to Negotiate With Influencers (4:32)
Instagram #4 – Instagram Growth Tips (6:10)
Search Engine #1 – Introduction W/Adrian (1:43)
Search Engine #2 – Research (14:38)
Search Engine #3 – Youtube (21:58)
Search Engine #4 – More info (1:24)
Week 7: Managing Operations
Module 1: Building A Team Overview (32:54)
Module 2: Managing Your Numbers (11:12)
Module 3: Bulk Fulfilment (16:25)
Module 4: Financially Engineering Your Business (21:39)
Week 8: Moving To The Next Level
Module 1: Secrets Of Building A Brand (23:15)
Module 2: Why You Should Move To The Hybrid Model
Module 3: Creating A One Product Store
Week 9 – 7 Figure Mindset
Module 0 – Improving 1% Every Day (7:23)
Module 1 – Enviroment (22:09)
Module 2 – Productivity & Focus (24:04)
Module 3 – Daily Routine (17:38)
Case Studies
$100k Case Study – FB Ad Rapid Scale Video 1 (17:59)
$100k Case Study – FB Ad Rapid Scale Part 2 (16:36)
$100k Case Study – FB Ad Rapid Scale Part 3 (12:10)
$100k Case Study – FB Ad Rapid Scale 4 (9:33)
$500k Case Study (Coming Soon)
Supplier Contact Info
Merchant Processing
Business Builder Live 2.0
Brand Theme

Sales Page

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