Instagram and Business eBook Download (2021)


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Instagram and Business eBook Download

It’s amazing how much Instagram has evolved in just a few years. Once a place for selfies and photos of your food, Instagram is as much a marketing platform for businesses as it is a social network for over 1 billion people.

Just look at Instagram’s newest features! In 2018 alone, Instagram has released dozens of new features for businesses, including new ad types, paid partnership tools, and new ways to drive traffic and make sales.
And as more businesses use Instagram to connect with customers, brand strategy has expanded to include new goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). While businesses used to focus mainly on increasing brand awareness, Instagram is slowly but surely transforming into a full-on sales channel, with more businesses than ever before focusing on Instagram advertising, influencer marketing, and product promotion.
No matter what industry you work in, it pays to build a presence on Instagram. But if you really want to get ahead, you need to know the platform (and your audience!) inside and out, including what kinds of content resonate most, how to build an Instagram Stories strategy, and how to track your metrics and KPIs.
That’s where this guide comes in to help. In the following, we provide a comprehensive look at Instagram for business, highlighting the features and strategies that you need to be investing in. Ready? Let’s get started!

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