[Download] Karla Marie – Audience Builder Bootcamp (2021)


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Get Now Audience Builder Bootcamp By Karla Marie. Download This Course For Cheap Price…

You’re an amazing author. You’re an awesome ebook self-publisher.

You deserve to have your books seen by readers who will love them.

I want to show you exactly how…

“Audience Builder Bootcamp” gives you a step-by-step action plan to build a big mailing list in weeks and launch even your very first ever self-published book with scores of REAL reviews from readers who love your books.

I’m dedicated to helping you navigate your own path to success as a self-publishing author.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients from across six continents over the past few years, many of whom have also gone on to become Amazon Bestsellers and build highly profitable self-publishing businesses that earn them a full-time income.

My deepest, most heartfelt values are freedom and love.

I am most fulfilled when I am of service to other entrepreneurial people, helping to lift them up toward realizing their greatest potential by connecting to their true authentic selves.

I care about you and your success as an author!

Are you tired of not selling any ebooks on Amazon?

Frustrated about not having reviews on your ebooks?

Do you feel discouraged because your ebooks on Amazon have only a few (or no) reviews?

Are you a writer and want to self-publish on Amazon but have no idea how to get readers?

Do you have some books published on Amazon but you’re sales are miserable because you don’t have a big mailing list of readers to sell to?

“Audience Builder Bootcamp” bridges the gap, taking you from “nobody” author/publisher with no mailing list and zero reviews, to an author/publisher with “buzz” that has an audience of thousands of hungry fans who are eager to read every book you write and jump at the chance to leave you genuine, raving reviews on Amazon.

Here is what you get with your step-by-step blueprint “Audience Builder Bootcamp”:

  • The mindset you need to go from self-publishing newbie to potential Amazon Bestseller
  • How to write/publish to market and make sure readers actually WANT the books you create
  • How to create a “Lead Magnet” book to attract thousands of readers to your mailing list
  • How to get clear on your “brand message” and communicate authentically and from the heart with your audience
  • The ins-and-outs of choosing a mailing list platform
  • How to use next-to-free platforms to build your mailing list of readers fast
  • How to quickly build your mailing list with Facebook Ads
  • How to easily, step-by-step get dozens of reviews on your book on Amazon, even if it’s your very first published book!
  • How to recruit dozens (or hundreds) of ARC (Advance Review Copy) readers who are excited to leave you voluntary raving, honest and authentic reviews on your books on Amazon

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