[Download] Saheli Chatterjee – Freelance 101 Academy (2021)


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About the course: 

What If You Could Get Paid Highly For Your Skills?
Meet Saheli
Marketing Expert & Consultant
Hi, My Mission is to help you make more money than you did before you met me! I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE BUILD SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES. Three things about me:

  • I am a passionate entrepreneur who is obsessed with Social Media.
  • I got my first Freelance Gig at 15 and since then I have helped several clients with their content and marketing strategy.
  • I am also the creator of YouTube Channel Helly where I help 500K+ people improve their lives with educational entertainment!

Thanks to the power of Social Media – I have been successful in making a full-time income with part-time efforts as a college student. Currently, I’m leading a movement to help people get paid for their skills by choosing unconventional career paths – so if you are interested in writing, marketing or starting your own online business – you’re at the right place!
How can I help you?
So yes, I told you that I started Freelancing at 15. Partly due to my love for writing and mainly due to a lack of social life LOL!
The only skill I had was being able to write in English.
Over the last 5 years, I have learned multiple freelancing skills, freelanced as a Writer, Social Media Manager, and Consultant (and tried my hand at multiple niches).
In 2020, I coached 100+ students who are now freelancing as Content Writers, Copywriters, Social Media Marketers, Web Developers, Graphic Designers, and Virtual Assistants.
So if you want to make money by Freelancing- I am your best friend!

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