[Download] Shreva Pattar – Money Call$ (2021)


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About the course: 

Are you looking for a step-by-step method to start closing $5000+ deals consistently and confidently on the phone call?

If you have ever…

  • Been afraid of speaking to a prospect over the phone
  • Doubted your conversation skills
  • Worried about your prospect judging you negatively
  • Stressed over sounding stupid to a prospect
  • Struggled with quoting your prices and negotiating on the call
  • Spent time on a call only to realise that your prospect is not your target client
  • Spoken to a prospect and then never heard back from them
  • Feared that all your effort will be wasted when the prospect rejects you
  • Hit a dead-end with closing deals and have considered giving up freelancing…

Then keep reading.

Because Money Call$ can change your life.

Introducing Money Call$ – The Advanced Edition

The only system you will ever need for turning prospects into high-paying clients confidently and systematically, over text or phone call.

Here’s everything you get in Money Call$ – The Advanced Edition:

Money Calls Guide

Smash your mental barriers & fears, and learn a repeatable system to conduct outstanding calls with your prospects. Even if you’ve never done it before.

Advanced Guide 1: Deep Analysis of 2 Real Prospect Conversations
Discover the elements of a persuasive conversation through the deep analysis of 2 real conversations I’ve had with prospects over LinkedIn DMs.

Advanced Guide 2: Objection-Management Scripts
Handle your prospects’ objections like a pro with my 5 done-for-you scripts.

Advanced Guide 3: Prospect Red Flags
7 prospect red flags you must watch out for to avoid the pitfalls of “fake” and difficult clients.

Advanced Guide 4: Video Call Expert
This mini-guide gives my top 10 tips for conducting professional, impressive video calls with your prospects.

Advanced Guide 5: Airtight Proposals

Discover 8 elements that will make your proposal airtight, so you can work with your clients stress-free.

Advanced Guide 6: Prospect Call Compass
Follow this simple checklist to navigate your way effortlessly during the prospect call.

Learn Sure-Fire Strategies That Have Helped Me Close $5000+ Deals And Get Paid On The Phone:

In Money Call$, I’ll show you how to :

  • SMASH your mental barriers that hold you back from conversing with prospects
  • Find prospects using my 3 Easy Methods
  • Qualify your leads in just 5 minutes using my simple Prospect Qualification Strategies
  • Set up a call with your prospects like a pro
  • Prepare for a prospect call — no fidgeting or “umms” and “uhhs” on the call
  • Conduct the prospect call confidently and become the prospect’s go-to freelancer
  • Close the deal and get paid while on the call
  • Leverage prospect calls that didn’t work out – don’t let your calls “go to waste”
  • Apply the 14 Golden Rules of Prospect Conversation to establish yourself as an exceptional freelancer in your prospects’ minds.

I’m Giving You All The Systems, Easily Worth $200+, For A Small Investment Of Only $47.

Get Money Call$ – The Advanced Edition, for $47.

If you have a tight budget, get the Money Call$ – Fundamental Edition for Only $27.

If you only wish to learn the process of conducting your prospect calls, or you’re on a tight budget, you can get Money Call$ – The Fundamental Edition. This includes the Money Call$ Guide, where you’ll learn everything you need to about going from meeting an unqualified lead to booking a call and closing the deal.

If you need an extra boost, get Money Call$ – The Premium Edition for $147.

Along with the Money Call$ Guide and everything else in the Advanced Edition, you will also get a 60-minute 1:1 Coaching Call with me. Get YOUR questions answered and YOUR challenges resolved within 60 minutes.

“Shreya, THIS is exactly what I need! But will this system work for me?”

The strategies that I reveal to you in Money Call$ have helped me close deals worth thousands of dollars and get paid while on the call.

Get to know me better…

Hey, this is me, Shreya Pattar!

I am a freelance writer, creating content and working globally with high-ticket clients. I am a premium service provider, and my freelancing rates are amongst the highest in the freelancing world. 

With a following of 89,000+ on LinkedIn and 46,000+ on Instagram, I have fast-tracked my way to a successful freelancing career. I have worked and experimented with hundreds and thousands of freelancing strategies and tactics to make this happen in the shortest time possible.

I now help freelancers like YOU save months & months of time, and avoid trial & error, so you can find more clients, make more money and freelance successfully! My first ebook #Anthology and my Sprint From Scratch Challenge (free email challenge) received rave reviews from freelancers across the globe and brought them results like never before.

What people say about my infoproducts…

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