[Download] Jay Abraham – Fitness Business Summit 2012 (2021)


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About the course: 

This might honestly be the greatest application-based, case-study, illustrative example of a rich high-priced program I ever conducted. 33 people each pay $25,000 a-piece to have me and a group of other experts including Chet Holmes, a famous strategy guide, and a famous salesperson — all group-mastermind breakthrough strategies and business models.

Better than that, it was conducted in 3 different parts: part 1 they would explain their strife, situation and business; part 2 they would have their company hot seated which was very probative, penetrating, non-theoretical, and very very revealing. Part 3 at the end they would all stand up and say what they learned not just from their hot seat but also from observing everyone else––and from meeting privately with 5 other experts we had retained in different elements like advertising and strategy setting. We sold 5000 sets of the audios of this program alone for $5000 a set.

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