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About the course: 


When Pat asked me to review Masterclass, I told him I wanted to take my time with it. There are 14 hours of material in his course, but I gave it maybe 50+ hours of my life. I listened (and re-listened) to the talks. I took 43 pages of notes and I have already started using what I learned from the product with girls (and in my own writing). Below I am going to give you a few of those highlights.

You can think about Masterclass as a “collection of maps.”

A map is something that helps you explore the territory. In Masterclass, Pat shows us a series of fascinating, insightful “talks about girls” that serve as “maps” to help us thrive in the sexual marketplace.

He does (at least) three things exceptionally well: 1.) General psychology as it relates to social lives of men. 2.) Very specific sexual marketplace notes (including some of the best notes on female psychology anywhere… Pat crushes it there). And then we arrive at his specialty, 3.) Extensive coaching for men in relationships.

He separates himself from generic “how to bang the girl” lessons as he is a strong advocate of meaningful relationship with women. While I am a bachelor and a player, I know a lot of guys get into Game as a path to something more long-term. This is a perfect product for guys like that. While Pat has credibility in terms of meeting and picking up girls, he has exceptional insight and coaching for guys that choose to screen toward a monogamous future.

I am going to focus mostly on Game in this review, but I don’t want to undersell the relationship stuff (and I will write more on those topics later).

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