[Download] Pat Flynn – Heroic Online Courses (2022)


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About the course: 

How did courses become the business model for SPI?
It doesn’t have to be difficult to create online courses, and it doesn’t have to be difficult to sell them.”

I had the notion to build my first online course in 2016. I’d taken a few online courses before (some helpful, others not so much), and I felt I had good information that could help others, but then…


I backed down.


I was afraid that no one would buy my course and that I would be wasting my time. I was afraid that people wouldn’t understand it and that it would make me look awful. I was afraid it wouldn’t be as good as some of the other similar-topic courses that already existed.


I recoiled every time I attempted to begin.


Thankfully, a mentor pushed me to launch at the end of 2017, and looking back, I just wish she had pushed me sooner.


It wasn’t a big launch at first, but it gave me the motivation I needed to keep pushing. Now, fast forward to today, when I’ve built and launched over ten online courses worth $4.5 million:


Screenshot of $4,475,415 in total sales

SPI’s business strategy is around online courses, which is why I believe everyone should have at least one online course to teach anything. It has the potential to change your life and the lives of your students.


My team and I have established an incredible method for creating and launching these courses over time, and because I want everyone to avoid the overwhelm and succeed with creating online courses, I’ve combined our step-by-step development process and launch tactics into one single course for you.




Sales Page: https://courses.smartpassiveincome.com/p/heroic-online-courses


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