[Download] Ryann Dowdy & Kelly Roach – Social Sellers Academy (2022)


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Buy subscription with us and unlock Ryann Dowdy & Kelly Roach – Social Sellers Academy course today. No more payment for gurus. Join the rest of the tribe. 

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About the course: 

You can only get so far by yourself. For CEOs earning 7 or 8 figures, a strong sales team is crucial. Your sales team must be able to make consistent sales for your company, even when you are away. We can train your sales team or person so that you can return hundreds of hours and still sell consistently and reliably, even when you are not there.

The Social Sellers Academy Experience

This 6-month intensive, high-touch program will give your sales rep the opportunity to experience:

World-Class Accountability & Support

  • Our Daily Sales OnDemand Training System
  • Trainings can be recorded or live for your team.
  • Training + Coaching available Monday through Friday (YES, Every Day!
  • Weekly Q+A sessions for your team to troubleshoot issues and keep you on top of the leads.
  • Each week, live role-play sessions are held because confidence in sales is built through practice.
  • You will set up regular success coach check-ins to hold your team accountable for their results and completion of the course.
  • Data tracking allows you to track the metrics of your seller, as well as close rates and improvements, so that you can accurately forecast and plan your ad spend.
  • You can immediately apply what your seller has learned through real-life assignments
  • Bi-weekly meetings with YOU, the CEO. This allows you to ensure that you are reinforcing good behavior with your team outside of training.

Your salesperson will be certified Social Seller Academy Certified Seller if they meet the benchmarks and milestones during the 6-month program.

Why is this important to you?

Your salesperson will be certified if they achieve their sales goals. This is a great way to make your business goals a reality.

Your sellers won’t spend HOURS in DMs. We will do it for you.

We won’t make you go through every sales call to find the problems. Instead, we will help you train and troubleshoot your team before they even get on the phone.

This academy’s Daily Sales on Demand training program is designed to help you achieve real results in a shorter time frame, while still allowing you to do what you love and what your business needs.

This is essentially a Ph.D. sales taught by experts who have perfected the method!

Sales Page: https://social-sellers-academy.mykajabi.com/social-sellers-academy-sales-page

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